Police raid and dismantle Doncaster drugs factory worth £250,000

Officers used a chainsaw to cut through the shutters of the premises

Author: Rory GannonPublished 30th Nov 2024

South Yorkshire Police have raided a commercial premises to find a drugs factory worth an estimated £250,000.

Officers performed the raid on November 22nd as part of a warrant that had been granted to examine a two-storey property in Thorne.

Using a chainsaw to cut through the shutters of the premises, they found a large-scale narcotics production factory inside the building.

In total, 235 plants were found in the area, on top of a drying room which contained an added £20,000 worth of cannabis.

The building had been divided into eight different growing rooms spread across the two floors, as well as living room which contained a bed, toiletries, a stove and a fridge.

Speaking on the case, Alison Carr from South Yorkshire Police said: "This was a significant cannabis cultivation and evidence shows these grows are linked to organised crime groups who have absolutely no place in our society.

"They are responsible for spreading fear, violence and terror in our communities, and by disrupting their supply of drugs, which funds further criminal activities, we can limit their influence and dismantle their operations.

"These cannabis cultivations are also linked to modern slavery, as they are known to exploit vulnerable people who are forced to commit to looking after these grows.

"That is another reason why we need people to keep reporting any suspicions they have around cannabis grows to police so we can act and deliver justice."

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