'Daily cancellations' - half term tourism hit for Tier Three South Yorkshire

Some businesses are having to lay off staff

Author: Ben BasonPublished 26th Oct 2020

As half term gets underway, South Yorkshire's tourism industry is already taking a huge financial hit from Tier Three restrictions.

Since Saturday our county's been under the 'very high' category of rules meaning people from elsewhere in the UK are advised not to visit.

October half term is usually one of the busiest weeks of the year for many hotels and attractions across the county but with bookings way down, and cancellations flooding in, some businesses are having to lay off staff.

Marc Wildes runs Van Dyke Hotel just outside Sheffield - he says they've seen a huge drop in business:

"We're receiving daily cancellations. We've gone from doing around 1800 guests a day for dinner and for lunch, down to about 980 guests now.

"That's over the last couple of weeks - we've seen a really big drop in numbers coming through the doors and people cancelling for our events. So people are really nervous to be leaving their homes now.

"It's normally a really busy week for us. It's the last real holiday for schools before Christmas so people tend to make the most of it. So we have a lot of people coming and staying with us in the hotel. But our numbers are a lot less than they would be normally. Our restaurant bookings are down as well. We're having to start now laying some staff off.

"Our numbers have been dropping since the tiering has come in so we're losing more and more staff. "

People in South Yorkshire are still allowed to go on holiday within the county, as long as they don't mix with anyone outside their households.

But we're told we shouldn't go elsewhere in the UK unless it's for work, education or for caring responsibilities.

And for people elsewhere in the UK the same guidance applies for entering South Yorkshire.

CEO of tourism board Welcome To Yorkshire James Mason says that's been a big blow to tourism over half term:

"Unfortunately we have seen a decline in bookings and an increase in cancellations due to the new restrictions brought in across South Yorkshire.

"It's a difficult time for everybody and I really sympathise with any decision maker right now who's having to commit to anything over the next few weeks due to the uncertainty.

"But at the same time I've been very impressed throughout the whole of the coronavirus pandemic by how businesses have been entrepreneurial, how they've adapted. These are other obstacles they must overcome.

"I think we have to give a lot of credit to Mayor Dan Jarvis and his team for the deal that has been struck here to support businesses.

"Of course, we do need businesses to capitalise both at half term and of course coming into the Christmas period. So there are business packages available."

South Yorkshire councils are getting £30 million from the government to distribute to local businesses who are affected by Tier Three restrictions.

It's part of a £41 million deal agreed by Sheffield City Region Mayor along with other local leaders when the they were in talks with the government about the new restrictions.

The decline in numbers for tourism attractions and accommodation here has led to calls for people to support local businesses this half term, whilst sticking to the Tier Three rules.

Marc from Van Dykes says many are struggling to survive:

"I would urge local people to continue to go out to Covid-secure environments and still enjoy themselves because being at home during the cold and dark nights is a very lonely place to be.

"At least if you have got a change in scenery it's nice to actually go out with your family or your support bubble and make sure your mental health's not affected."

James from Welcome to Yorkshire agrees:

"We're all in this together. There's still plenty to do at half term - whether it's visiting Yorkshire Wildlife Park or the Yorkshire Sculpture Park or many of the outdoor attractions across the Sheffield City Region."

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