Caroline Everest inquest rules Sheffield teenager 'died from hypothermia'

A coroner's recorded a verdict of 'accidental death' after a teenager was found dead in a river after a night out last year.

Published 6th Jul 2016

A Sheffield teenager whose body was found in a river after a night out died from hypothermia after drinking a large quantity of vodka, an inquest has heard.

Caroline Everest, who was 18, was found dead in the Porter Brook, just outside the city centre, in November last year - two days after she went missing following a visit to the Corporation nightclub.

An inquest heard that Caroline had drunk five so-called 'purple pints' at the club, which her friends said was made up of four shots of vodka, plus a shot of blue Wicked containing two more shots of vodka, as well as food colouring and a mixer.

Senior Coroner Chris Dorries said that, if this was true, it would have meant she had drunk 30 shots of vodka before she left the club alone.

Mr Dorries heard how post-mortem tests showed Miss Everest had more than three times the legal driving limit of alcohol in her blood.

The inquest heard how the Sheffield Hallam University student lost touch with her friends and left the club alone in the early hours of November 22.

The coroner said it is not known exactly how Caroline ended up in the water, especially as she had taken her boots off and left them on the bank.

He said it was possible she fell in or that she got into the water voluntarily as one of the bizarre consequences that sometimes happen when someone is suffering from hypothermia.

Recording a verdict of accidental death, he said there was no evidence of suicide or any third party involvement.

He accepted the view of forensic pathologist Naomi Carter that Miss Everest died from hypothermia and immersion in water with acute alcohol intoxication as a contributing factor.

In a statement issued after the inquest, her family said: "Carrie was a warm, friendly and energetic young lady. Unfortunately and tragically, her life was ended far too soon.

She had so many plans for the future - her course at Hallam University and her love of dancing at City Limits.

It is sad that a night out with friends should end so tragically - a series of unfortunate events.

Carrie is constantly in our thoughts and is missed by everyone.

It was an absolute joy and pleasure to have had her in our lives and we will never, ever forget her bewitching smile.''