Can You Pay Your Housing Bill?

Shelter warn 1 in 7 are worried about rent payments and more than half are struggling with housing costs

Published 5th Jan 2015

One in seven householders in Yorkshire and the Humber are worried they won't be able to pay their rent this month - according to Shelter. The housing charity's revealed that across our region 56% say they're struggling with the rent or mortgage abnd they're warning that ignoring money worries, rather than getting help could be making this situation worse. 24% of said they would feel too ashamed to ask for help. Mum-of-two Katharine works unpredictable shifts and lives in constant fear she won’t be able to meet her rent payments each month, "I work every hour I can to support my family but each month I wonder if I’m going to able to make my rent, and I’m expecting things to be especially bad Christmas, even though we cut back on spending as much as we could. I’ve borrowed money from family and even had to stop paying bills to keep the roof over my children’s heads. It’s horrible to start another year not knowing if I can afford to keep my home." Shelter’s adviser Nadeem Khan said, "Every day at Shelter we hear from people who are feeling overwhelmed by mounting rent or mortgage bills, as the increasing pressure of sky high housing costs continues to take its toll. "Many have spent a long time thinking they have nowhere to turn and are often close to breaking point by the time they come to us. If you’re in this situation, it’s so important to remember you’re not alone and that help is available. "I spoke to a lady recently who was sick with worry for months because she couldn’t meet her mortgage payments and felt too ashamed to ask for help. When finally a court notice landed on her doorstep she came to us and we were able to help the family keep their home. "We all understand how tempting it is to bury your head in the sand, but advice from Shelter is only a click or a phone call away - so get advice early to prevent things from spiralling out of control." Shelter's website is and their helpline on 0808 800 4444 Shelter’s top 5 tips to avoid eviction or repossession: 1. Get expert advice - know your options If you are struggling to pay your rent, talk to an expert adviser who can take you through your options and advise the next best steps for you. 2. Make the mortgage or rent your priority Paying your mortgage or rent should always be your number one priority. If you have other debts such as credit cards and phone bills you can take action to deal with these separately. 3. Respond to letters and phone calls It’s natural to want to keep your head down and hope it’ll sort itself out but it’s important to read everything your mortgage lender, landlord or letting agent sends to you. Keep records of every letter and phone call. 4. Have a rainy day plan It can take just one thing, like losing your job or falling ill, to put your home at risk. Avoid payday loans, as sky-high interest rates could make things much worse very quickly. There are usually much safer and cheaper alternatives. 5. Turn up for court hearings If the worst comes to the worst, make sure you attend the possession hearing so that you can put your case to the judge. If you don’t have legal representation you can be assigned a court duty solicitor on the day - Shelter is one organisation that provides that service across the country. Get advice from an organisation like Shelter as soon as you get the hearing date to give yourself the best possible chance.