10 people plead guilty over Sheffield Class A drugs conspiracy

The gang took over a vulnerable person's home to run a 'round the clock' drug supply service

Author: Matt SoanesPublished 28th Nov 2024

10 South Yorkshire men have admitted to involvement in a conspiracy to supply Class A drugs in Sheffield.

It follows a 12 month long investigation into the 'Montanna' drug line, which was run from a property in the city.

They'd gained access to the home by forcing a vulnerable person to hand over his keys and bank card.

He was then made to sleep on his kitchen floor while the 10 gang members used the property to provide a 'round the clock' drug supply service.

All are due back in Sheffield Crown Court for sentencing on January 30 next year.

The defendants are:

Othman, 29, of Club Garden Road, Sheffield

Mohammed Ali, 36, of Harwood Close, Sheffield

Sanad Ali, 23, of Washington Road, Sheffield

Bruff, 18, of Coventry Road, Ilford

Bouzin, 19, of Middle Hay Place, Sheffield

Kulaib, 25, Washington Road, Sheffield

Mayo, 19, of Mapplebeck Road, Sheffield

Mwanjira, 19, of Roberts Road Colchester

Mayamba, 19, of Wood Street, Barnsley, also pleaded guilty to theft and fraud

Brown, 20, of Ingshead Avenue, Rotherham

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