Bodyguard could have a cameo appearance from an actual MP if it returns

For real?!

Author: Anna Sky MagliolaPublished 27th Sep 2018

Bodyguard has had the UK gripped on a Sunday night for the last six weeks, but now that it has ended there are plenty of rumours flying around over whether there's a future for David Budd and co.

For those that don't know, Bodyguard followed the life of David Budd (Richard Madden), an Army veteran, now working as a bodyguard for the Home Secretary, Julia Montague, played by former Spooks actress Keeley Hawes.

Since the end of the show on Sunday (23rd September), the show's writer Jed Mercurio, has revealed there could be plenty more coming from Bodyguard as he said he would would approach the idea of a second series, creating an opportunity for a third or fourth! While nothing has been confirmed, it's now been revealed that a real-life former home secretary has been offered a cameo if there is another series.


Amber Rudd who was home secretary from 2016 until earlier this year, revealed in an interview on ITV’s Peston show, that she had been offered a small part saying, "I'm delighted the writer has offered me a cameo in the next series, if he has a next series. He said I might get a cameo which I'm really looking forward to."

The MP had previously given her thoughts on the show when it first aired saying, "Keeley Hawes is great in the role of home secretary. Her portrayal is fierce and unapologetic, with subtle mannerisms that leave the viewer unsure of her character’s true objectives and opinions. She has the hard side you need to smash a glass ceiling, but is able to turn on a personable, credible approach where necessary."

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Bodyguard could have a cameo appearance from an actual MP if it returns
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In other Bodyguard news, whilst the final episode had everyone on the edge of their seats, some viewers noticed a couple of gaffes.


If you haven't seen the final episode of Bodyguard then you might not want to read on! In the final episode David Budd is knocked out and wakes up to find himself in a suicide vest. During the show he's handed a radio so he can communicate with the police, however, those in the know, took to Twitter to make a point that radios shouldn't be used near a suicide vest as it would risk the chance of triggering the device.

Other gaffes included the use of a camera - which wasn't on - and the strange fact that the kompromat 'moved' for no apparent reason, from the boiler to the garden!

If you're missing Bodyguard, don't worry, there are plenty of other great TV shows on, including the new series of Strictly Come Dancing.

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