Summer Grant Round August 2015

Hallam FM Cash for Kids last grant round took place in August 2015, the Local Exec Board met to review the grant applications and decide where £15,000 would be distributed.

Published 10th Sep 2015
Last updated 30th Jan 2017

Hallam FM Cash for Kids last grant round took place in August 2015, the Local Exec Board met to review the grant applications and decide where £15,000 would be distributed. Below are the organisations/children Cash for Kids were able to help.


Cash for Kids have granted a fibre optic lighting kit and bubble wall. He has severe autism, cannot communicate properly, has no sense of danger and doesn’t realise how much harm he can cause to himself or others. As a 7 year old he has been compared mentally to the age of a 2 year old. His mum would like to create a sensory room as a place where he can shut off. His behaviour is unpredictable and can lash out at any moment without warning, so having somewhere to go and calm himself down would help.

Friends of Brainwave South Yorkshire

Brainwave’s aim is to help children living locally with disabilities to achieve greater independence. The children have conditions such as cerebral palsy, downs syndrome, autism and rare genetic disorders. Brainwave receives referrals from the NHS and from specialist children’s hospitals. Cash for Kids have funded physio balls, chewy tube’s, movin’sit cushion’s, starfish rings, numicon sets and therabands, this equipment will be used in physiotherapy, educational therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy

Boy and Girl

The family are asylum seekers/refugees from Afghanistan. The family were suffering from overcrowding previously in a furnished one bedroomed flat, but have now been moved to a 3 bedroomed house, however it is unfurnished. Mum has mental health problems and although dad is willing to work he is on a zero hour’s contract, therefore income is uncertain. At present the children are sleeping on the floor as they do not have beds and have no storage for their clothes, therefore Cash for Kids have funded 2 single beds, mattresses and clothes rails.

Activate Rawmarsh

Activate want to be able to run activities during the school holidays for local children with additional needs and disabilities. Children and young people would be able to experience new activities and be provided with a sense of accomplishment as they will be supported to achieve their own goals. They provide an environment with a high level of staff support to help the children be creative; this then gives them a sense of accomplishment when they can proudly show off what they have made at the end of the day. A holiday club specifically for children with additional needs and disabilities will provide a fun environment away from the home setting during long holidays where children easily become bored of being at home, this then benefits the rest of the family who are provided with a short break whilst children attend activate. Cash for Kids have funded arts & crafts resources.

Riverside Doncaster Women’s Refuge

Victoria House is a safe temporary accommodation for women and children fleeing domestic abuse. They empower families to live independently and find safe accommodation to resettle into their own homes to start a new life. Children’s workers support children with schooling and one to one sessions. As they are a non-profit organisation they rely heavily on donations. The families come to the refuge with very little belongings and money to go out, so they are trying to provide play equipment within the refuge. Cash for Kids have granted funds for a swing and wooden sandpit, which all the families that move in to the refuge will benefit from.


He is an extremely active young boy with ASD, suspected ADHD, sleep disorder and he does not communicate in any shape or form. He has also been diagnosed with sensory processing disorder which causes him to be in constant movement to make sure he does not feel sick. Trampolining has been something that calms him down when a meltdown happens and also prevents them. The trampolining also gives him exercise and helps him use some of his energy up which has a positive effect on his night times. The use of energy is a good outlet for him emotionally and physically, therefore Cash for Kids has funded a trampoline.

Doncaster Children’s Trust

Cash for Kids have provided funding for positive activities for adopted children, giving them the opportunity to meet other adopted children, providing opportunities to develop self-esteem, confidence and offer each other valuable peer support to discuss any issues they may have. The grant will also support the children to try new skills and fun activities.


The mugs group aims to bring women and children from the local community and surrounding areas together to help reduce isolation. The objectives are to increase activities for vulnerable families. Cash for Kids have provided funding to put on a Christmas party bringing communities together.


He has been under the care of the authority since December 2014. He moved in with his foster family in July 2015, having already moved home 3 times this year. Having never been away on a holiday, Cash for Kids have been able to fund a trip to Butlins for him and his new family, enabling him to bond and give him new experiences that he has never had before.


He was diagnosed with epilepsy in 2014 and can have seizures at any time without warning. His mother applied for an epilepsy clonic seizure monitor so she will be alerted in the night should he have a seizure. He and his mother can sleep easier at night knowing she will be awakened if this happens; Cash for Kids have been able to fund the monitor.

Sheffield Mencap

Sheffield Mencap are developing a Saturday morning arts academy. This will provide children with a chance to be creative, explore their emotions and develop confidence. Music can be important for providing children with communication, language difficulties or non-verbal expression, helping them to communicate more freely. For these children music can be a fantastic tool for expressing feelings, emotions and moods. It will be a hugely positive and fun experience for children and a vital break for parents. Cash for Kids have been able to fund giant floor keyboards, percussion set, rainbow combi bells, sound around recording device, boomwackers class set and music sheets.


His father is in receipt of disability living allowance and thus is unable to work. As a result the family have no spare money to be able to pay for materials to decorate the house. His social worker would like to decorate his room to provide him with a space to call his own and be proud of being able to show his friends and would spend less time alone. Also help him to build his self-esteem and confidence. Cash for Kids have been able to provide items to decorate and furnish his room.

Austerfield Study Centre

Austerfield Study Centre is a social enterprise for young people providing hands on learning experiences in the environment. To benefit the residents of Austerfield and the surrounding communities a provision of social recreation and other leisure activities are being introduced, that improve the quality of life, building stronger communities and address rural isolation. Children with varying abilities and backgrounds go to the centre but it has no play equipment. Cash for Kids have been able to provide funding to install a play trail which would allow children to participate in a fun activity which benefits there overall health.

Safe @ Last

Safe@last is a charity providing services and support for children and young people who are at risk of harm before, during and after running away. The specific project they require funding for is their education and prevention work which is delivered to prevent children from running away by advising them on the risks and dangers and where they can get support before reaching that crisis point. After delivering work in schools they have found that distributing merchandise receives positive reactions and comments. There are significant benefits to leaving a piece of merchandise with a young person displaying Safe@last contact details, as it is a physical reminder of their visit and information. Therefore Cash for Kids have been able to fund Safe@last wristbands.


Buzz is an organisation that supports children and families via a wide range of activities and clubs. They have developed the trust of families and have opened communication channels with a previously isolated community, many of whom are from black and minority ethnic, asylum seekers and refugee communities. They currently provide after school clubs, holiday activities etc for disadvantaged children and families in the community. They have started two new projects, stay and play for vulnerable families (including families from local domestic abuse, drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres) and youth club. Cash for Kids were able to fund items including art materials, playground and gaming equipment.

Darnall Community Development Centre (DCDC)

DCDC are a not-for-profit organisation, the project involves developing what was once a drinking establishment and since a rundown and derelict building into a new community centre. The objectives are to advance education, amateur sport and provide facilities in the interest of social welfare with the ambition of improving conditions of life for the community. The two-storey building comprises a large community gym with the capacity to deliver regular boxing, dance and other fitness classes (once complete the centre will also comprise a community café with a pool table, a snooker hall, classroom/meeting room, upcycling shop).The gym is almost ready to open, equipped with a boxing ring, bags and mats etc. However they are in need of equipment for the gym and specifically for young people in order to deliver fitness classes suited to under 18’s. Therefore Cash for Kids have been able to fund the remaining equipment needed including boxing gloves, skipping ropes, head guards, fitness mats etc.

Rotherham Rise

Rotherham Rise is an established provider of support for women, children and young people. They provide a range of practical, social care, health and educational services which focus on prevention, harm reduction and recovery for women, children and young people who are being abused and affected by domestic and sexual abuse. Cash for Kids have been able to fund outdoor play equipment for the children to use whilst at the refuge accommodation. The families accessing the refuge have reduced income and limited resources. Improving the garden facilities and opportunities for outdoor play will enable children and young people to have fun, increase physical activity, social activity and improve the families stay at the refuge.

Judith House Refuge

The project is a women’s and children’s domestic abuse refuge. We support families who have suffered domestic abuse and are needing refuge space to rebuild their lives. Cash for Kids have funded outdoor play equipment that will give children a nice environment to play in and they will be able to have freedom and the space to be able to socialise with both their parents and peers. Children that come to the house have not often had the opportunity to play, have friends or have fun time with their mum due to controlling behaviour of the perpetrator so if will make a massive difference to all children at the refuge.

Brathay Trust

The Brathay Trust helps children and young people to succeed, working with them to take control of their lives and their futures. They target those whose lives are difficult; they might be living in poverty, at risk of offending, leaving care, being sexually exploited or not in education, training or employment. Cash for Kids have been able to grant funding to refurbish the community centre on the Sutton estate; this is an area with high levels of deprivation, anti-social behaviour, low achievement at school, low aspirations and health issues. The trust believes it’s healthy for young people to come to somewhere safe, to meet each other and take part in positive activities which make them feel part of the community where they live. They have a team of volunteers who are prepared to refurbish the centre and involve local young people to create artwork for the walls; giving them a sense of investment in the building which will encourage them to use it and take part in some of the activities and groups which will be starting.


Cast are dedicated to creating high quality creative opportunities for children and young people to experience, enjoy and benefit from the arts and live theatre; irrespective of their social, cultural or economic background or any learning and physical disabilities. Cash for Kids have provided funding to experience a high quality theatre production and workshop. This will be achieved through collaboration with Red Earth Theatre Company – a company that creates and tours theatre for young audiences and produces drama that inspires, provokes and enchants. The production is in two languages; British sign language and English; and the use of age sensitive, creative and audio description to enhance access will ensure that the target audience are immersed in the experience. Furthermore, as the company collaborated with deaf, disabled and non-disabled artists and audiences, they believe the production and workshop will raise the aspirations and help instil confidence in deaf children and young people.

Embee Marketing Services Limited

The aim is to create an Elsecar by the seaside at Elsecar Heritage Centre. Cash for Kids provided funding for a large sand pit area for kids to play in the sand and build sandcastles and also watch a Punch and Judy show. There are a lot of underprivileged children in easy travelling distance of Elsecar who have never been to the seaside so by bringing the seaside to them will give them lifelong memories.