Pops Summer Camp

Outdoor adventure holidays for 10-16s in South Yorkshire.

Published 17th Feb 2014
Last updated 30th Jan 2017

Your generous donation towards our outreach work has enabled us to enrich our projects with the addition of inviting local creative artists to deliver a unique art project where young people can explore their creativity and learn a new skill which we hope will inspire them to consider a future in the creative arts industry.


This funding has helped the young people experiment with various types of medium to create their own individual art work. It has been a pleasure to see young people engaging with the artists and applying themselves to the tasks laid out. The feedback from the young people has been that it was a fantastic opportunity to try something new and that they would love to do it again. The pride and time they had taken in their final pieces was self-evident. All this was made possible through your support which has made this project a resounding success.

Without your help and support through Hallam FM, we would not have been able to give the young people this unique opportunity to take part in this fantastic project. From myself, the young people, volunteers, staff and crew members supporting our project, along with the local artists I thank you for giving them the opportunity to experience this outstanding event at Pops Summer Club 2014.