Pink Collar Boxing

Elsa Ellis choseto fundraise for Cash for Kids by taking part in a Pink Collar Boxing Match.

Published 25th Feb 2016

Elsa Ellis chose to fundraise for Cash for Kids by taking part in a Pink Collar Boxing Match.

Ladies Pink Collar Boxing is an event organisation bringing together local ladies to compete in a "White Collar Boxing" style tournament.

Elsa went through 8 weeks of training in order to compete in the boxing match which was held on Saturday 9th April at New York Stadium, Rotherham Football Ground.

She spend 8 weeks doing this...

Week 1 & 2 - Sign up, meet other ladies and trainers, headshot photos taken, basic fitness training.

Week 3 & 4 - Choose a show name and entrance song , fitness training but more intensified and on week 4 boxing techniques and sparring commence.

Week 5 & 6 - Trainers begin to match us up with an opponent, sparring and fitness training etc.

Week 7 & 8 - All training given put to the test in sparring sessions.

We pleased to say Elsa won her match!

You can still help Elsa reach her fundraising target