Home-Start Sheffield

Home-Start Sheffield used a grants to buy new car seats.

Published 17th Feb 2014
Last updated 30th Jan 2017

Home-Start Sheffield has benefited from one of your grants for buying some new car seats, we replaced the ones that we had that were old and unattractive, the loan of a car seat can enables our volunteers to access services, appointments and outings with the families that they visit weekly who would otherwise have struggled to get out with young children.

We have also benefited from the mission Christmas appeal in 2013 and previous years when we were lucky enough to receive gifts that we distributed to our more needy families who particularly feel the financial pressures of Christmas.

We would like to say thank you because we know that the support comes from local people who care enough to give for the benefit of vulnerable children. We also want these people to know how greatly this support is appreciated by Home-Start and our families, these smaller grants really do help us to keep providing a service to families in Sheffield.