District U17s Football Competition

Giving an equal opportunity and encouragement to the ‘young hopefuls’ of the South Yorkshire communities.

Published 17th Feb 2014
Last updated 30th Jan 2017

District Football Aims

We started the project in 2007 and were on the verge of closure with finances almost gone and the Grant of £4,846 from Hallam F M ‘Cash for kids’ to which we are most grateful, has allowed us to continue what our original aims were and why the project was needed.

We have letters from the District M Ps and the ex-Police Constable of South Yorkshire recommending and congratulating us on what we are doing to help our South Yorkshire Communities.

Why the project was needed

Some years ago a District Football Competition was in operation, but for some unknown reason, it folded, we are under the assumption it was due to lack of finance.

Members of fellow district football groups thought that young footballers in the districts were not getting a fair opportunity to represent their County due to the decline of the previous Competition and approached me, asking our views in Doncaster.

We agreed totally with their views and from this I was asked if I would consider, and try to start a new avenue to aid Youth Development and opportunity within our districts, which have many deprived and excluded coalfield communities.

It is a non-profit making Competition and members are prepared to deliver many things, at their own cost and in their own time, to aid the young gentlemen to enhance their skills and be given the missing opportunity of greater things, which currently, is sadly lacking in many areas, plus creating a healthy lifestyle of living through sport.


The grant has allowed us to continue our original aims which are:

To give an equal opportunity and encouragement to the Young Hopefuls of the South Yorkshire Communities which, includes many deprived and excluded areas.

To provide a professional environment and practices.

To give an opportunity to participate in a healthy and active sport.

To enhance their skills with correct training and coaching practices.

To promote a healthy eating and living lifestyle.

To discourage the unfortunate modern day practice, in some areas, of standing about on street corners with the idea that they have nothing to do.

To give young footballers, in the South Yorkshire Communities the opportunity to represent their District, County and possibly Country and achieve lifelong ambitions in the Professional game.


Each district has its own Management Team of a Secretary, Coaches etc and all do an immense amount of work as Volunteers, not forgetting the Parents who do a tremendous job ferrying the teams to different venues.

Running the project

We have a Management Committee made up of Volunteers from each district with a Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer who does the administration for the group.

Latest result

One of our lads has been selected to represent England Colleges and scored the winning goal last month against Australia.