The IT Desk

The IT Desk are supporting Cash for Kids throughout 2016.

The IT Desk are supporting Cash for Kids throughout 2016.

‘IT Desk (UK) has been established for 10 years. In IT years it’s the difference between MSN messenger and WhatsApp. Over the past decade we’ve been very busy indeed, leading the way in IT support and management, over 86,000 hours of excellent customer service, countless installations, re-cabling, 12,500 password resets and PC builds (the list is endless). Our approach is simple, to be your IT department and to run in parallel with your business objectives and goals whilst proving cost effective solutions.


Unlike other IT companies, we work hard to prevent any problems occurring, as opposed to being reactive when something happens. Working in the background, we're able to flag up issues, report them to you and get them fixed. Why? Because we want to see you grow and not be hindered by IT. Does your IT support team proactively work to protect your business or do they react when something wrong happens? Imagine the hindrance that would cause...’