Autumn Grant Round October 2015

Over £10,000 was distributed across South Yorkshire

Published 8th Jan 2016

Hallam FM Cash for Kids Autumn grant round took place in October 2015, the Local Exec Board met to review the grant applications and decide where funds would be distributed. Below are the organisations/children Cash for Kids were able to help.

Coleridge Children Centre

In partnership with Magna, Cash for Kids were able to provide vulnerable and disadvantaged children with an experience they would never usually be offered. To visit the science adventure centre at Christmas and meet Santa. These families include very underprivileged children, many of which come from very complex backgrounds, require additional support, EU migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, BME families, teen parents, lone parents and looked after children.

Brampton Cortonwood Infant School

Cash for Kids have been able to fund materials for the school to develop a new lending library for their nursery setting to hold a stock of age appropriate books in a welcoming environment. The stock will allow for progression in reading, encourage children to fulfil their hopes and dreams. As well as nurture their self-belief and confidence and to inspire a love of learning allowing them to succeed at the highest possible level in all aspects of their lives. Brampton Bierlow is an area of significant deprivation, the families within this area struggle financially and therefore the purchase of reading material is not a priority.

Doncaster Foster Carers Association

The association work closely with Doncaster Children’s service trust and arrange activities and events for foster carers, their children and those children they look after. They work to ensure that no young person being fostered should ever be disadvantaged by virtue of being a looked after child. They would like to take a group to see Disney on Ice. This trip will provide an opportunity for young looked after people and children under the umbrella of Doncaster children service trust to network with each other. Christmas time can bring back difficult memories creating emotional turmoil. They are looking at making Christmas a magical experience for their looked after children and feel that Disney on ice is an event that will be remembered and can be looked back upon as a happy memory. They will use the tickets and programs to add to the children and young people’s memory boxes for future reference. Cash for Kids have been able to fund transport for the trip.

231st Shiregreen Scout Group

The group aims to provide safe camping at their scout land and other venues for as many members as possible. They try to offer affordable camps (they managed one this year free and another for just £5). All the members are able to benefit but they need new camping equipment. The group is situated in the centre of a very deprived area of Sheffield. They aim to improve the member’s life skills, social skills, education and life experiences. A large proportion do not have the opportunities for holidays. They provide this much needed opportunity through camping and activity programmes. Cash for Kids have been able to fund 3 tents which are heavy duty, include ground sheets and sleep 10 each.


He has a diagnosis of dystonic spastic cerebral palsy which affects all four of his limbs. He uses a wheelchair for mobility and needs assistance from others to transfer and to fully participate in activities of daily living. He has been known to physiotherapy since birth, he receives regular physiotherapy in school which mum also implements at home, the aim is to promote his independence and function. Within school they use a therapy bench to work on his sitting balance and core control as well as facilitate his sitting to standing. This promotes his independent sitting ability and also promotes his transfers. At present mum is unable to continue this work at home as she does not have the correct equipment. Cash for Kids have been able to grant a therapy bench for home, where she could continue physiotherapy and prevent sitting balance and transfers from deteriorating.

Park Community Action

Park community action has taken over the running of the library since September 2014. They currently have 27 volunteers running the service including 8 young people 10-17 years old. The aim of the grant would be to increase access to the internet, as currently there are only 4 computers available in the library which are bookable for an hour. Children can only book them after school but are limited because this is the busiest service as the demographic of the area means the internet at home is not a priority when limited cash is available. Cash for Kids have been able to grant funding for 3 computer tablets and cases.

Appletree Childcare Sheffield Ltd

The project aims to benefit the children who already attend Appletree Childcare’s services and who have a developmental delay or who are on the autistic spectrum. The aim is to provide additional facilities for these children that are targeted specifically to their special needs and thus aid their development and wellbeing. Cash for Kids have been able to fund a sensory pod which acts as a quiet, dark, safe space. These are designed for and have been proven to aid children with development delay to keep calm, to focus and to develop.


He has a tracheostomy, which is an opening created at the front of the neck so a tube can be inserted into the windpipe to help you breathe. Cash for Kids have funded storage for his tracheostomy equipment and other medical supplies. He has started walking so they need somewhere to store the equipment in his bedroom and away from his reach.


He has cerebral palsy and significant physical disabilities, meaning he cannot walk, stand or sit up without support. He has limited use of his arms but struggles with fine motor skills and coordination, so he requires help with things like eating, drinking and all aspects of self-care. All this aside, he has a very optimistic and positive attitude and communicates well verbally. Although as he is becoming older he is becoming more aware of the things he can’t do, especially when he sees his twin brother and younger sister doing them. All three children have asked ‘santa’ for a bike, whilst his parents are able to pay for standard bikes for his siblings he requires a specialist trike. This comes with a substantial cost which his parents cannot afford. His mother is his full time career and although his dad works full time they have spent a lot of money adapting their house to be suitable to him. The specialist trike would allow him to join his family on walks and bike rides, as well as providing essential therapy. The motion of moving his legs around on the pedals will help his hips, knees, hamstrings and muscles. Holding the frame will help his hands and arms, sitting up improve his head control and altogether posture. Cash for Kids have been able to grant funding for the specialist trike.


The girls mum is a lone parent, suffers from depression, anxiety and was the victim to domestic abuse. They are in a council property, which is unfurnished; the girls are currently sharing a single bed. The younger child sometimes wets the bed and neither are getting a good night’s sleep. Their mother is on means tested benefits with child tax credit and child benefit but cannot afford to buy the girls new beds. Therefore Cash for Kids have funded two new devan beds.

Mexborough Cricket Club

Mexborough cricket club is actively encouraging participation in sport and has expanded the junior section over the last 3 years. They find many are put off by the cost of purchasing kit and equipment. By providing kit and equipment to the most underprivileged members will enable them to participate in a team sport without feeling excluded. Promoting inclusion will increase self-worth and self-esteem. Mexborough is an area of high deprivation and anything the club can do to provide cohesion and hope, will help provide a better future. Cash for kids have granted funds for helmets, bats and pads.

Changing Lives – Doncaster Women’s Centre

The centre offers a range of courses and free childcare places for each woman attending any service within the centre. Due to the nature of some of the courses and specialist services, the children that attend the crèche can be vulnerable with extra needs. They may have just entered the country or be witnessing domestic abuse at home. Within the service they strive to support these children and establish positive relationships with adults and their peers. They aim to settle them in a safe and stimulating environment where they can develop personally and access well planned progressive learning. Cash for Kids have funded materials to re-decorate the nursery.

Lane End Farm Trust

This project will benefit a range of young people that are either disabled or disadvantaged. They aim to ease any feelings of isolation and allow the young person to feel empowered by offering fully inclusive riding activities regardless of their disability, background or behaviour. They have been granted funds for a specialist mounting block. The block provides longer wider strengthened platform which would allow us to safely transfer the more disabled rider onto the horse which they wouldn’t be able to do using the existing block.

Riverside Care and Support

Riverside care and support is a housing association. They have a domestic abuse service and as part of this service they run the refuge. Staff support families to re-build their lives by promoting independence and putting safety measures in place. Cash for Kids have granted items for the playroom, the items will be used by children who come into the refuge after fleeing domestic abuse. The playroom is a source of joy and fun to the children and an opportunity for them to play in a safe environment, free from violence and aggression. Enabling them to develop and achieve their full potential.

Rotherham Parents Forum Ltd

Rotherham Parents forum are independent and led by a team of parents who all have children with a variety of additional needs. They provide social opportunities to bring families together to provide mutual support, share experiences and exchange information as well as reduce some of the isolation that is often experienced by the whole family when there is a disabled child. Due to difficulties working and not having the time or money to do family activities others take for granted. Cash for Kids have been able to provide half of the funding for the hire of a soft play centre on a monthly basis for 1 year. They hope to reduce isolation and provide a peer support network and opportunities to make new friends for the whole family including siblings and parents.

Greentop Circus

Greentop uses circus arts to transform lives and bring about positive social and individual change. The aim is to bring some of the predominantly Roma heritage young people playing on the streets around Greentop’s building into the centre to try a range of circus arts, from acrobatics to juggling and stilt walking to trapeze. Cash for Kids were able to fund martials for their workshops. Also as the majority of the young people are predominantly Roma, the sessions are improving their English.

Barnsley Youth Jazz Association

The association and its young members take part in weekly band ensembles and allow them to gain a recognised music qualification. The group is run entirely by volunteers and funds raised at concerts are then invested into supporting music education for the members. Currently there existing instruments are over 20 years old and beyond repair. They require funding for additional musical instruments and accessories. The area in which they are based is recognised as socially deprived. Parents are therefore reluctant to spend a large outlay on an instrument for their child, the association provides member with an instrument for a small weekly fee. Cash for Kids have been able to fund new musical instruments.

Pops Summer Camp Ltd

Pops Summer Camp aims to provide an outreach service to the young people living in and around the Rawmarsh area. They provide a wide range of outdoor activities aimed at improving the mental and physical health of the young people accessing the projects. They aim to improve the outlook for the children in the area and provide them with a safe, fun and engaging environment where they can reach their full potential. Cash for Kids have funded arts and crafts materials, which would allow them to offer unique and engaging sessions which would teach a new skill, improve self-confidence and reduce social isolation in the community.

Rushey Meadow

Rushey Meadow is an eight bedded local authority residential respite care children’s home. They care for children and adolescents with severe learning disabilities, some of whom have complex and challenging behaviours or may have physical disabilities. The home have been granted funds for a trike that is accessible for differing abilities. It will offer a challenging experience that will enable children and young people to develop, learn and enjoy.

Manor Community Childcare Centre

The centre provides childcare and school holiday respite care for children with special needs. They also provide crèches, sensory room, family support services, family learning and a parent and toddler group. They would like to create a sensory garden as they have a large number of children with complex needs including autism, development delay and behavioural problems. They believe that every child has the right to play but also understand that every child is unique, with this in mind they want to develop an area that will enable all children regardless of ability to experience the benefits of a stimulating sensory garden. The garden will provide experiences for seeing, smelling, hearing, touching and tasting. Cash for Kids have funded a variety of sensory equipment.