Autumn Grant Round October 2014

In October Cash for Kids distributed £10,000 to sick & disadvantaged children in South Yorkshire

Published 30th Oct 2014
Last updated 30th Jan 2017

Hallam FM and Magic AM’s Cash for Kids last grant round took place on Wednesday 15th October 2014, the Local Exec Board met to review the hundreds of grant applications and decide where £10,000 would be distributed. Below are the organisations/children we were able to help.

Judith House Refuge

The women and children’s refuge provide emergency accommodation for women and children who are fleeing domestic violence. They provide individual support to families and children to promote safe and independent life away from abuse. They try to make the families’ stay as enjoyable as possible. The refuge mainly relies on donations so play equipment and resources are limited. Cash for Kids were able to fund a DVD player for the children and women to enjoy.

Baby M

Baby M’s mother was sex trafficked into the country, has suffered post-traumatic stress disorder, has HIV and is a single parent. Due to her poor health she will not be able to work for the foreseeable future so manages on very low income. She cannot afford to purchase basic items for baby M therefore Cash for Kids have been able to fund items including bedding, highchair, safety gates, baby monitor and a baby bouncer.


Sophie has cerebral palsy and development impairment, with delayed gross and fine motor skills. Sophie requires specialist posture seating which she has for standing and bathing but her parents are struggling to get Sophie in and out of the car in her current car seat. She requires a specialist car seat for her posture supporting her pelvis, trunk and head, Cash for Kids have been able to fund the seat.


Nathan has Cystic Fibrosis which is a progressive life limiting condition. He has to endure an intensive daily treatment regime and is advised to be active where possible, as this helps to maintain optimum lung function for as long as possible. His nurse has identified that Nathan is responding well to exercise. Because of the condition it is expensive in terms of providing a special diet, heating costs and frequent travel to hospital. His mother is finding these mounting costs challenging as well as paying for activities. Therefore Cash for Kids has been able to fund one year’s football training for Nathan.


MedEquip4Kids improves the health of children and babies by providing equipment not available from limited NHS resources. They have a project called Childhood and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) which works with children who are suffering from, or are at risk of, mental health disorders. This service is based at the Becton Centre; Cash for Kids have been able to fund toys and referencing materials which will be beneficial to improve the children’s mental health, wellbeing and lifelong prospects.

Sheffield Mencap & Gateway

Shine out Saturdays is a performing arts club for children with learning disabilities. It runs throughout the year at Norfolk Lodge. It aims to challenge, stretch and fulfil all budding performers and allows them to participate in a mainstream activity but in a safe nurturing environment. All members contend with a lifelong impairment which affects the normal development of the brain. They have high individual support needs, require constant care and have complex health problems such as epilepsy, sensory impairment, autism and may display challenging behaviours. Cash for Kids have funded an iPad and accessories allowing the children to film and photograph the projects they are working on, it will also be used for music for dance.

Heritage Park Community School

The school is a specialist in social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. All students have a complex mix of mental health communication issues with all pupils coming from disadvantaged backgrounds. The technology department strives to give pupils the best experience possible in food preparation and cooking. They strive to encourage healthy eating and endeavour through lessons to change their eating habits and lifestyle. To enable them to do this they desperately needed some new equipment to enable more pupils to participate in lessons, Cash for Kids has been able to fund this new equipment.

Sheffield Social Services

This family are under the care of social services as both parents have chronic health conditions and have literally no income as they are waiting for a decision from the home office on their claim to remain in the UK. The children have no toys, which is causing conflict and boredom, therefore Cash for Kids have been able to fund toys for the children.


Rosie has low muscle and limb tone and complex needs. She has the physical ability of a two year old and with her syndromic weight gain her pushchair at the minute is too small. Therefore Cash for Kids have been able to fund a specialist wheelchair which will make journeys much easier as her mother uses public transport and is unable to carry Rosie. She attends mainstream school for 1 ½ hours every day. She gets very tired so the wheelchair can be used in her journeys to school and back.

Sheffield Royal Society of the Blind

Little Sparklers group is for pre-school children with a visual impairment. They can play with sensory and stimulating toys such as tactile, fibre optics, cause and effect, dark dens etc. Replacement sensory toys are needed to replace ones that have deteriorated due to general wear and tear. Cash for Kids have been able to fund toys that will encourage participation, movement, vocalisation, hand eye co-ordination, tracking skills and visual attention.


James is being assessed for sensory processing disorder as he constantly seeks the sense of movement. He is also autistic with suspected ADHD and has learning difficulties; he is developmentally at the stage of a 12 month old. The family have gone through 3 settees due to James bouncing on them. Cash for Kids have been able to fund trampolining lessons and a trampoline for home.

Rotherham Women’s Refuge

The refuge is an established provider of support for women, children and young people affected by domestic abuse. They work with families that are dealing with complex issues including low self-esteem/confidence, isolation, mental health issues, substance misuse and break down of inter family relationships. Cash for Kids have been able to fund age appropriate equipment and toys for the children and young people in their care.


Alex has Arnold Chiari Malforamation, he has had 2 brain decompressions which has left him with severe sleep apnoea meaning he has to have oxygen whenever he is asleep. He also has vesicoureteric junction, kidney problems, reduced mobility and poor balance. Alex has been provided with a Snappie 1 pushchair for his disabilities but they do not provide a hood or waterproofs, therefore Cash for Kids have been able to fund the remaining items needed.

IBK Initiatives Inclusive Theatre Company

The project works with a different group of young people for a year. Through the arts they are given the opportunity to express their voices about what they would like from their life both now and in the future. Many of the children attending the group do not use speech or language as their main form of communication. They want to help all children coming to the group to take part, in order to help do this Cash for Kids have been able to fund masks, puppet making materials and a flip camera.

South Yorkshire Community Foundation Ltd

Child Sexual Exploitation fund will help to meet the existing demand for extra resources to support those affected by CSE. The fund will be available to community groups and charities working in supporting vulnerable young people. Cash for Kids have donated funds that will look to build the capacity of these groups, supporting survivors and to be able to raise the profile of their work. The groups provide counselling, one-to-one and group therapy, telephone helplines and mentoring.


Declan has spinal muscular atrophy type 3, which causes severe weakness and disability in terms of arm and leg function, as well as feeding and breathing difficulties. He cannot write so therefore uses a laptop, which he uses at school but only has a PC at home. He is often very tired after a day at college and cannot sit up to use the PC therefore Cash for Kids have been able to fund a laptop so Declan can use it whilst laid down in bed.