Wales falls silent 55 years on from Aberfan disaster

Its as the issue of coal tip responsibility continues to be debated

Published 21st Oct 2021

Silence has been held to mark 55 years since the Aberfan distaster which killed 144 people in the Valleys village, 116 of them children.

The tragedy occurred when a spoil heap on the mountainside became unstable in heavy rain and surged down the mountain, engulfing Pantglas Junior School and nearby homes.

Wales First Minister Mark Drakeford was among those paying tribute to the community and those who lost their lives.

Its as calls for the UK Government to accept responsibility for coal tip safety in Wales have been repeated in the Senedd.

Wales Counsel General Mick Antoniw told MS's that existing coal tips were the moral and legal responsibility of the UK Government:

"I think it is an absolute disgrace that the UK Government continues not to accept that this issue of coal tip legacy is a pre-devolution issue, aggravated by climate change."