Hospitality restrictions come into force in Wales this evening

Pubs and restaurants have to close their doors at 6 and they won't be able to sell alcohol

Stock photo Bauer
Author: Polly OliverPublished 4th Dec 2020

New Coronavirus regulations come into force in Wales this evening which will force pubs and restaurants to close their doors at 6pm.

Serving alcohol in hospitality venues will also be banned as part of the rules which will be reviewed on the 17th December.

Phillip Ashe from West Conwy Pubwatch says the decision is catastrophic for the industry.

"Its alright for people to go yeah, but they can claim furlough - they can't claim furlough if the business has gone bust.

"The knock on effect will last well into next year. We're going to be suffering from this decision going into at least April and May."

Rachel John runs Bella's Cafe and Bar in Pontlliw in Swansea. She's spent thousands to make her premises Covid-safe and doesn't see why supermarkets are still able to sell alcohol:

"Its just a bit of a kick in the teeth really. The supermarkets are still permitted to sell alcohol, why can't we sell alcohol when the supermarkets are not monitored?"

Indoor entertainment venues such as cinemas, bowling alleys and soft play centres are also being shut down.

The Welsh Conservatives says the impact of the new rules on the hospitality industry will be exacerbated by travel rules between England and Wales which come into force this evening at 6pm.

People can travel between Wales and Tier One and Two areas in England, but travel between Tier Three is banned. They say it means Welsh businesses will be left high and dry as people here head to less restricted areas of the UK.