Health experts say self isolation still advised despite change in law in Wales
Covid rules in Wales are changing from today
Last updated 28th Mar 2022
There is no longer a legal requirement to wear masks in shops or on public transport as Covid rules are relaxed in Wales.
The Welsh Government changes also include an end to the law regarding self-isolation rule for people who test positive.
However, Public Health Wales is warning that it is still medically advised that people remain at home for at least five full days if they test positive. They also recommend washing hands regularly and opening windows to allow adequate ventilation.
Covid cases in Wales remain high with current estimates suggesting 1 in 12 people have the virus.
Dr Meng Khaw, National Director, Health Protection and Screening Services, said: “While we are currently seeing a high level of cases of Coronavirus in Wales, this is not translating into a rise in numbers of people needing ICU treatment – largely because of the high number of people who have been vaccinated.
“However, Coronavirus is still an unpleasant, highly infectious illness, and even though the legal requirement to self-isolate when testing positive has now lifted, I would remind everyone that the medical advice is still to isolate for at least five full days.
“In addition, wearing masks in crowded indoor areas, washing hands regularly, and ensuring adequate ventilation will help to prevent the transmission of the virus and protect more vulnerable people.
“Coronavirus has not gone away, and it is clear that the single best thing you can do to protect yourself and the people around you is to get vaccinated.
“If you develop a cough, fever or change in sense of taste or smell, the public health advice remains that you should self-isolate immediately in order to protect others, and get a Coronavirus test.”