GCSE Students Celebrate!

The number of top grades in Wales Andrew Fox / Alamy Stock Photo has increased for the second year running.

Pupils celebrate their GCSE exam results.
Published 12th Aug 2021
Last updated 12th Aug 2021

A total of 28.7% A and A* grades were awarded up on the previous two years, while 73.6% achieved at least C grade or above, roughly the same as 2020.

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles, has congratulated learners in Wales receiving their GCSE and vocational qualification results today.

This year’s assessment and qualification process has been different to previous years, as examinations for summer 2021 were cancelled in response to the pandemic.

A new system was designed and delivered by schools and colleges, drawing on a range of assessment evidence to determine learners’ grades.

The Welsh Government provided an additional £9m to support schools and colleges in the delivery of this year’s assessments. £26m was provided to ensure students could complete their vocational qualifications and colleges could continue to deliver practical sessions this year.

The Minister visited Ysgol Glan Clwyd, in Denbighshire, where he met pupils collecting their GCSE grades.

Jeremy Miles said: “Our priority this year has been to put a system in place so that learners receive grades based on evidence of their work and enables them to progress to the next stage of their education, training or work with confidence.

“My message to this year’s GCSE students is a huge ‘well done’. You’ve had everything thrown at you over the last 18 months – periods in lockdown, time away from your friends and families, and times where you’ve missed out on many of the social activities you should be enjoying. You’ve shown tremendous resilience to overcome all of these challenges.

“I also want to congratulate learners on their vocational qualification results. Skills in priority sectors are vitally important in meeting the range of needs of the Welsh economy, now more than ever, and your hard-earned qualifications will put you in good stead for the future.

“It’s also been a remarkable achievement by all the school and college staff who’ve worked so hard to enable qualifications this year. It’s been an almighty task to put measures in place so that learners could get their results, like any other year. You should be very proud of the work you have done to help our learners progress.”