Covid Restrictions For Hospitality In Wales To Be Announced

It follows a rise in the number of cases following the 'firebreak' lockdown

It's a big day for pubs and restaurants as they've have been closed since December
Author: Lauren JonesPublished 30th Nov 2020

We'll find out later what Covid restrictions will be placed on Wales' hospitality industry this week.

Ministers have been meeting over the weekend to finalise details which will come into effect on Friday.

The Welsh Government has already announced that indoor entertainment venues will close - including cinemas and bowling alleys - but we're waiting to hear what restrictions will be placed on pubs, bars and restaurants across Wales.

On Sunday, the number of new daily Covid 19 cases in stood at 1004 new cases and 16 deaths, according to figures from Public Health Wales.

The new measures comes as Wales sees a rise in cases following the 17 day 'firebreak' lockdown.

At his most recent media briefing, First Minister Mark Drakeford explained why further restrictions are needed ahead of Christmas.

He said: "Every local authority other than one today saw a rise in the incidence rate amongst the under 25 year old's and, over the course of this pandemic, we have seen how the virus has spread - initially amongst the younger age groups and then moving on to the older and more vulnerable people."