Coronavirus: More Local Lockdowns Come Into Force In Wales

Published 22nd Sep 2020
Last updated 22nd Sep 2020

Further Coronavirus restrictions are being put in place in Blaenau Gwent, Bridgend, Merthyr Tydfil and Newport from 6pm tonight.

People can only mix with others outdoors, and travel in and out of those areas will be restricted.

Pubs and restaurants will have to close at 11pm - compared to 10pm in England.

The First Ministers of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland will attend today's Cobra meeting to discuss the next steps in fighting a second wave of coronavirus.

Boris Johnson talked with them yesterday to show his commitment to working with the devolved administrations to tackle the virus.

Wales First Minister Mark Drakeford last week said he'd had no contact with the Prime Minister since May.

Andrew RT Davies MS – the Shadow Health Minister said: “Ministers and governments must do everything possible to avoid another blanket national lockdown as the other public health and economic impacts would be disastrous.

“We need to see smart, hyper-local lockdowns based on accurate and detailed data, and a resumption of shielding of the elderly and vulnerable.

“We all need to play our part by adhering to social distancing, masks, and hand hygiene, and we need to see a strong public information campaign from the Welsh Labour-led Government to hammer this message home.”

Rob Stewart, Leader of Swansea Council, is warning people in the city to follow guidance on social distancing and mask wearing to avoid similar measures being put in place.

He issued the plea saying : “We must obey the rules. For the sake of our health, our communities and our businesses we need to act now.

“The council is taking steps against hospitality businesses who ignore the rules and our schools are taking prompt action to protect pupils when a child or member of staff tests positive.

“But everyone needs to play their part. Our Covid-19 numbers are still rising. We don’t want to be next on the local lockdown list.”

The most basic rules are to wash hands frequently, maintain the two-metre rule and wear a face covering in public indoor spaces.

Cllr Stewart said: “It is very simple. Those steps are easy to take and if everyone gets involved we’ll have a good chance of avoiding a local lockdown. If we don’t then we risk joining the six other Welsh counties.”