Cat missing since Swansea explosion a week ago found safe and well

Extensive efforts to find and trap Teddy the ragdoll cat have been ongoing since Monday's blast

A suspected gas explosion caused huge damage to a street in Morriston, Swansea
Author: Lauren JonesPublished 20th Mar 2023

A cat who had been missing following a suspected gas explosion in Swansea a week ago has been found and reunited with his family.

Extensive efforts to find Teddy the ragdoll cat had been ongoing since the blast last Monday when his home was badly damaged.

His owner Claire and her son Ethan were among those hurt in the explosion but have since been discharged from hospital.

Rescuers had pulled the pair along with a puppy in a crate and a cat called Fern from the wreckage in the immediate aftermath but Teddy was missing for almost a week before being found.

He was finally captured at the site of the explosion in Morriston yesterday afternoon.

It's understood he had been living in and around the debris since last week's blast.

Despite being a bit dusty and a little cross he's said to be fine despite the ordeal.