Caerphilly dealer jailed for drug offences

Keiron Card, 26, of Rhymney, receives a sentence of more than four years in prison after phone analysis shows his role in crack cocaine and heroin supply

Author: Bethan HolmesPublished 27th Jul 2021

A Rhymney drug dealer has received a prison sentence of more than four years after officers uncovered a series of text messages revealed his involvement in crack cocaine and heroin supply.

Keiron Card, 26, appeared at Cardiff Crown Court on Wednesday 14 July after pleading guilty to being concerned in the supply of crack cocaine and heroin.

Officers attended his address in last December and February this year and seized several items. This included mobile phones which contained messages indicating Card’s role in supplying class A drugs.

PC Daryl Thomas, the officer in the case, said:

“Keiron Card would’ve been aware of the consequences and he is now paying the penalty for his actions, and I hope it will deter others who are considering involving themselves in this type of illegal activity.

“This significant sentence highlights the risks that people can face if they choose to involve themselves in the supply of class A drugs.

“Card was very active in Rhymney and the surrounding areas with his involvement in drug supply.

“He became very bold and brazen in his behaviour and his attitude appeared as though he felt untouchable.

“This is a pleasing and positive result of officers involved in this case, knowing that their hard work has brought him to justice.

“Class A drug use can fuel often forms of criminal behaviour. It is people like Card who prey on these individuals who are trying to feed their addictions, causing further misery within our communities.

“Drugs have no place in our society, and we’re committed to disrupting any illegal drug activity in our force area.

“If you have any details about illegal activity in your communities, call us on 101 or send us a direct message on Twitter or Facebook. You can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

Card received a sentence of four years and two months – or 50 months – in prison.