Bridgend MP calls for PM to go saying 'enough is enough'

Jamie Wallis is among three Conservative MP's asking Liz Truss to stand down

The MP says Liz Truss has made "basic and avoidable errors" and wants her to go
Author: Lauren JonesPublished 17th Oct 2022

A Welsh Conservative MP says 'enough is enough' and is calling for Liz Truss to stand down saying she no longer holds the confidence of the country.

Jamie Wallis, who represents Bridgend, has posted a letter he's sent to the PM on Twitter.

He's accused the Prime Minister of "very basic and avoidable errors" and is among three MP's who have now publicly called for her to quit.

There are some challenges to ousting the PM - including the party's own rules on holding a no-confidence vote within a year, while another Tory leadership contest would be unattractive.