Back to school plan for Wales

The Welsh Education Minister's expected to say the youngest primary school pupils can go back after half term

Published 5th Feb 2021
Last updated 5th Feb 2021

Schools across Wales will find out today the plan of action for their return.

The Welsh Government's expected to confirm children aged three to seven will be back in classrooms after the February half-term.

Education Minister Kirsty Williams will provide an update this lunchtime.

Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr Chris Jones will also provide the latest information on the coronavirus situation.

Commenting on reports children aged three to seven will return to school in Wales after the February half-term, Welsh Conservative education spokesperson, Suzy Davies MS, welcomed the return but questioned the staggered approach, saying:

“It’s been a tough period for children, parents and teachers, and it makes sense for primaries to go back to catch up with each other; these youngest pupils have lost most in terms of learning and vital early-years socialisation.

“We need a can-do, will-do approach from Ministers as teachers on the front line want to return to the classroom so long as it’s safe to do so.

“They must now put plans in place for those critical secondary years to ensure we can secure the maximum amount of learning to prepare our older learners for college and university, with an even more dynamic, innovative, flexible and ultimately safe approach for secondary schools.”

But Laura Doel, director of school leaders union NAHT Cymru said the announcement was premature and there were questions that still needed to be answered:

“As school leaders we want nothing more than to see more children back in school and we all appreciate the struggle it has been for some parents and learners when it comes distance learning for the youngest children.

“However, this has to be done in a cautious and phased approach. To do otherwise would risk the situation once again deteriorating and efforts to securing a full return thwarted.

“Therefore we are bitterly disappointed that despite the Welsh Government pledging to work closely with professional associations and trade unions about their proposal, we are once again in the position of having decisions imposed upon the sector whilst there are too many questions left unanswered.

“We have not been provided with the rationale for this decision or definitive scientific evidence to support what we consider to be the rushed and premature wider re-opening of schools.

“Satisfactory operational guidance setting out realistic additional mitigation measures to keep both staff and pupils safe is yet to be produced or published. This information and measures are critical for school leaders to have in order that they can review risk assessments, operational staffing and other practical arrangements.

“Without this, we are of the firm belief that the Welsh Government will not secure the confidence of parents or the education workforce, which places school leaders in an impossible position."