Targeted action to tackle problems in Bournemouth

A police chief insists the operation 'isn't a one-off'.

Published 20th Apr 2022

Police in Bournemouth say they're committed to tackling anti-social behaviour after a special operation targeting problems in Boscombe.

Between Monday 11 April and Thursday 14 April 2022, Dorset Police teamed up with colleagues from BCP Council to tackle issues raised by residents and local businesses.

Other agencies involved included Trading Standards, parking enforcement and the homeless charity, St Mungo’s.

ASB is a complex issue that can have a real impact on peoples’ lives, so in 2020 Dorset Police introduced Operation Relentless. This operation reminds residents and visitors that the Force takes a firm approach to ASB and sends a truly clear message to those involved that it simply will not be tolerated in the county.

During these days of focused action, licenced premises were visited to discuss ASB issues that could be causing concerns and ensure all licences were in order. Some licencing breaches were identified, and formal notices were issued at several venues.

Large quantities of illegal cigarettes and e-cigarettes were seized. The illegal tobacco trade is often linked to other illegal trades including drug smuggling, exploitation, and money laundering, so this was a positive result.

Advice was given to residents at an address in Springbourne, Bournemouth following reports of drug related ASB, which was affecting the community. They were offered support by Boscombe Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) and the BCP ASB team. If the situation does not change, a full Closure Order on the property could be applied through the Magistrates Court.

Two quad bikes were also seized after they were seen being driven on the pavement and road in Lowther Gardens.

Neighbourhood Inspector Helen Deakin said: “This targeted action demonstrates our ongoing commitment to dealing with ASB. This is a priority for Dorset Police and our partners – no agency can handle all forms of ASB on its own, so by working together can we make Bournemouth East a safer place to live and work.

“This isn’t a one-off. Operation Relentless was introduced to show residents and visitors that the Force takes a tough approach to ASB. We want to empower communities to take the ‘anti’ away from anti-social. It’s important that people report incidents of anti-social behaviour involving loud, abusive, rowdy or intimidating alcohol-related behaviour, drug misuse and intimidating gangs of people to Dorset Police, so we can make Dorset a safe county for everyone.”

Police and Crime Commissioner David Sidwick said: “This is exactly the type of police action I, and the residents and businesses of Boscombe, want to see happening.

“Tackling ASB is a priority of my Police and Crime Plan because I was told by so many residents of the harm it had caused to them and their community.

“I would like to thank the officers and staff involved, as well as all the partner agencies that took part. Tackling an issue like ASB cannot be done in isolation and so to see partners working together for a safer Boscombe is fantastic and I look forward to seeing more ASB targeted action across the county.”

Sophie Sajic, Head of Street Based Response at BCP Council said: “BCP Council welcome any opportunity to work in partnership, and these days of action demonstrates how our organisations work together to improve community safety.

“Anti-social behaviour affects our communities, businesses and visitors and we are really pleased to be able to take a pro-active approach to tackling some of the key issues currently seen in East Bournemouth.”

You can report ASB online at In an emergency where life is at risk or a crime is being committed, please dial 999.

If we are not able to deal with your complaint directly, we will give you advice on which local agency can help and how to contact them. The police and other local agencies have a variety of different powers to tackle anti-social behaviour. As a guide, local councils have the powers to deal with:

• Abandoned vehicles.

• Graffiti and flyposting.

• Damage to public property.

• Rubbish and fly tipping.

• Noise, including loud music, noisy neighbours, parties, alarms, animals and noise from pubs and clubs.

You can find lots of advice on Dorset’s dedicated anti-social behaviour pages by clicking here.