Selsey shop loses alcohol license after selling cider to 16-year-old

Trading Standards is warning retailers to enforce age limits carefully

Author: Ryan BurrowsPublished 3rd Feb 2023

Trading Standards teams in West Sussex are warning shops they risk losing their alcohol licenses if they're found selling alcoholic drinks to under-age customers.

Businesses which illegally sell alcohol to under-age customers have been warned they risk losing their alcohol licence, after a Trading Standards crackdown on a shop in Selsey.

Selsey Convenience Store in the High Street, formally known as the Rock Shop, had its alcohol licence suspended for up to three months after failing to stop the purchase on August 23rd last year.

The shop had previously been cited for a number of other incidents, including one where a 15-year-old girl had to be treated by paramedics after being allowed to buy a bottle of vodka using her sister's provisional driving license for identification.

Peter Aston, West Sussex Trading Standards Team Manager, said:

"All licensed premises are required to have an age verification policy and it is important staff enforce this by asking for proof of age when necessary.

"West Sussex Trading Standards has a ‘zero tolerance’ approach to the sale of alcohol to children. I hope this acts as a warning to those retailers who fall foul of the law that they could be putting their business at risk."

Selsey Convenience Store’s alcohol licence was suspended by Chichester District Council’s licensing sub-committee on January 26th. It also removed the current business’s Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS).

Duncan Crow, West Sussex County Council's Cabinet Member for Community Support, Fire & Rescue, said:

"It’s important we all work together to keep our children and communities safe. Cases such as this emphasis the consequences for those businesses which break the law in selling age restricted products to those who are under-age.

"West Sussex Trading Standards will continue to undertake test purchasing exercises with child volunteers across the county to uncover businesses selling age restricted products to children.

"Anyone found to have broken the law can expect to see their licence suspended or even withdrawn entirely."

Anyone who believes a shop is selling alcohol, tobacco, vapes or knives to under 18s is asked to report it online to West Sussex Trading Standards: