Man found guilty of murdering girlfriend in Portsmouth

Mark Brandford beat 32-year-old Kayleigh Dunning to death in his flat

Author: Katie CallaghanPublished 22nd Feb 2021
Last updated 23rd Feb 2021

A 49-year-old man has been found guilty of murdering his girlfriend in a jealous rage because she had texted her other lover on the night he proposed to her.

Mark Brandford, of Kingston Crescent, Portsmouth, Hampshire, stabbed and used a crowbar to murder 32-year-old Kayleigh Dunning while she was in his bed on the night of December 16 2019.

The road sweeper was also convicted of a revenge porn charge of disclosing private sexual photos with the intent to cause distress to self-employed cleaner Ms Dunning between October 2018 and the time of her death.

Judge Timothy Mousley QC placed a restriction on reporting the verdict to enable Brandford's legal team to inform him as he had been self-isolating at Winchester Prison after being in contact with a positive Covid-19 case.

He told the jury at Portsmouth Crown Court:

"Because the defendant could not be contacted, I have made an order postponing the reporting of the verdict so his lawyer can speak to him first, before hearing from anyone else."

Thanking the jurors, Judge Mousley added:

"Thank you very much for the crucial part you played in this case.

"It's obviously a huge responsibility for members of the public to decide these types of case, particularly when they are so serious.''

Simon Jones, prosecuting, told the court that Brandford had killed Ms Dunning in a jealous rage when he found out that, on the night he had proposed to her, she had been sending "affectionate" messages to another man, Dean Drooney, who she was still seeing.

She had also accidentally called Brandford by Mr Drooney's name.

Mr Jones said Mr Drooney had sent Ms Dunning a message saying: "Night Noodle, wuv you", to which she replied: "Night night, wuv you more Doodle, xxx".

Mr Jones said: "She was the victim of a brutal and ferocious attack, namely blows to her head and neck which had crushed her skull and severed the major artery in her neck."

Giving evidence, Brandford told the court: "I was jealous because she had told me she had left him."

The court heard that Brandford pretended to be someone else to send intimate photos of Ms Dunning to friends and family, and he also set up a fake Facebook account in her name in the months before her death in a bid to "control her".

Brandford is due to be sentenced at Portsmouth Crown Court on Friday 26 February.

The court heard how Kayleigh had been reported missing by her father on the afternoon of December 17 after she failed to turn up for work that morning or respond to messages and calls from family, friends and employers.

During the trial, prosecutor Simon Jones QC told the court how Brandford had proposed to Kayleigh on the evening of December 16, before posting photos of a “seemingly happy-looking Kayleigh” on social media and telling numerous acquaintances that she had accepted his proposal.

The next morning, on December 17, jurors were told how Brandford had left his flat early, returning later that evening at 9.39pm to make a “sham” 999 call reporting the discovery of Kayleigh’s body, in which he “was going through the motions of the grief-stricken fiancé.”

Mr Jones added that Brandford could be “highly jealous” and had confessed to being angry when Kayleigh had accidentally called him the pet name she used for her other lover.

After today’s verdict, Detective Inspector Adam Edwards, Senior Investigating Officer for the case, said:

“We are pleased with today’s verdict and would like to thank all those involved in this investigation, who have worked tirelessly to ensure that the person responsible for Kayleigh’s death was brought to justice.

“Kayleigh has been described by those that knew her as an outgoing, chatty and passionate young woman. Our thoughts remain with her friends, family and all those that knew her today.”

Following her death, Kayleigh's family released the following tribute:

“Our precious daughter Kayleigh Louise Dunning – taken so suddenly.

“It has ripped our whole world apart. You never expect to bury your own child.

“Her brother has lost his best friend. She was so kind and thoughtful. As long as her mum, dad and brother were fine she was happy.

“The hardest thing is not being able to hear her voice and laughter, and not to cuddle her.

“Our life will never be the same. We are devastated and only people who have lost a child would understand how we feel. There are not enough words to explain how we feel.

“Rest in peace baby girl. You are always in our hearts and thoughts. We miss you so much.”