Keep your distance: Warning to New Forest visitors

Published 24th Apr 2021

Up to 370 foals are set to be born in the New Forest National Park over the next six to eight weeks and whilst the new arrivals bring delight to many it's an anxious time for organisations involved in the area.

Many drivers are still unware of how fast foals can move, their road sense has been likened to a toddler and they're prone to darting out in front of traffic

Gilly Jones from the New Forest Roads Awareness Group said: "Mum could be the other side of the road so obviously as soon as a vehicle goes by they could shoot in front of them."

"These little ones have no road sense, so everyone has be extra cautious"

There's also a reminder not to touch or feed any of the livestock too.

Whilst they may look friendly but they are unpredictable and can bite and kick, especially mares with foals.

The animals also tend to gather near roads, looking for people with food, making them more vulnerable to traffic accidents.

Last year 50 animals were killed on the New Forest roads or had to be put down from their injuries - a further 21 were hurt.

And when it comes to taking photographs we are being asked to keep our distance.

Gilly Jones said there's already been one worrying incident: "I've been told this week about an incident where someone put a small baby, a couple of months old, on top of a foal while it was asleep.

"It's very concerning particularly as a mare will protect her foal as any mother would."