27% of all Hampshire crimes are against women and girls

The county force wants to hear from victims to improve services

Author: Faye TryhornPublished 25th Jan 2023

A survey's been launched across Hampshire for female victims of crime to help shape future services, and improve the survivor experience.

Stats from Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constbulary show crimes against women and girls rose by nearly a quarter between 2020 and 2021.

Offences including rape, sexual assault, domestic abuse, domestic violence, stalking, and harassment accounted for 27% of all crimes committed in the county.

10% of offences against women and girls are violent in nature.

The Victim Survivors Police Experience Survey, that's just opened, aims to improve the ways in which police engage with victims of rape and other sexual offences, making the victim-survivor experience, police investigation and criminal justice process, simpler and less distressing.

The short, anonymous, online questionnaire |newtab) will ask about a person’s experience and satisfaction of their interaction with the police, to help make recommendations for the county force.

Detective Superintendent Ellie Hurd, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary lead for rape and serious sexual offences, said:

“Rape is one of the most complex and challenging crimes we deal with within the criminal justice system. It is one of our top priorities as a force and we work incredibly closely with partners such as the Crown Prosecution Service, Treetops Sexual Assault Referral Centre, victim support and victim advocacy services in order to provide the best possible service to victims of rape and serious sexual offenses.

“Our officers and staff are dedicated to achieving the best outcomes for victims, but we recognise improvements are needed when it comes to measuring victim satisfaction; alongside making strides in improving how engagement with victims of rape and other sexual offences is handled.

“That is why I am delighted to announce our research pilot with City University of London and hope that this will provide us with some tangible results, and core recommendations, to continually improve the service that we provide to victims of rape and other sexual offences.

“It is hoped that the findings of the pilot will allow us to implement key learnings locally, which may contribute to better policing responses provided to victims, increasing confidence in victims reporting offences and providing sufficient evidence to put perpetrators in front of the courts in order to get justice for victims.

“Rape and other sexual offences are really, really traumatic and impactive crimes, and this survey will inform improvements to our approach to policing these offences now, and in the future.

“We want to reassure victims of these offences that if rape and other sexual offences are reported to the police, that we take it incredibly seriously. We will treat, and do treat, victims with respect."

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police and Crime Commissioner, Donna Jones, said:

“Understanding victim’s journeys from that first call for help, and every step in the criminal justice system that follows, is absolutely paramount for police to bring about long lasting change to how they manage rape and sexual assault investigations.

“As Joint Victims Lead for the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, I have been calling for change in the way rape and sexual assaults are investigated, specifically improving support for victims and the way police and the CPS work together to take cases to court.

“As Commissioner for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, I am really pleased my force is leading the way as one of the first forces in the country to actively seek out victim’s voices and ask for independent scrutiny to improve their service.

“I will be reviewing the feedback and ensuring views of those who have been brave enough to share their experience are listened to and acted upon.”

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