Critical incident declared by Isle of Wight NHS

Bosses says it's due to pressure on services

Published 5th Aug 2022

Health bosses on the Isle of Wight have declared a critical incident in response to 'sustained pressure'.

High levels of demand and difficulties in discharging people into social care means that St Mary’s Hospital in Newport is close to capacity.

Bosses say they've declared a critical incident because it allows them to take additional steps to maintain safe services for the people who need them.

The Emergency Department (ED) remains full and there is very limited space to treat emergency patients.

We're told they're only able to treat people with life threatening conditions and injuries, so anyone who arrives at ED without a life-threatening condition or injury will be redirected to alternative services that can help.

Steve Parker, Medical Director, said: “Our immediate priority is to ensure we can care for the most seriously ill patients, and we are focusing on discharging safely as many patients as possible.

“We ask that families and loved ones support us with this and collect patients as soon as they are ready to be discharged.”

The public can help manage these periods of demand by ensuring they are seeking help from the most appropriate health services, and only attending A&E for life threatening emergencies.

If you are unwell, visit NHS 111 online for 24/7 advice about the most appropriate care for your needs.