Calls to support the sparkling wine industry

A Hampshire MP wants duty cut to boost production

Published 17th Sep 2021
Last updated 17th Sep 2021

There are calls for the government to reduce duty on sparkling wine to help boost production in Hampshire.

The Meon Valley MP says the South Downs has perfect growing conditions and English wines should dominate around the world.

Flick Drummond talked about the industry during a Back British Farming debate in parliament this week.

“The climate in the south downs is perfect for wine growing and, as climate change hits us, I am sure that English wines will dominate around the world, and certainly should dominate shops in the UK,” she told MPs.

“I hope that, in time, my colleagues at the Treasury can be convinced to review the taxation of English sparkling wine, which attracts a higher duty rate than non-sparkling wine.

“We have a growing export trade, but it would help our vineyards to thrive if we allowed wine drinkers in the UK to enjoy it more with lower duty rates.”

Flick also paid tribute to her farming community in her speech and said the NFU was doing a good job representing the agricultural community.

“The Meon Valley constituency has a range of farms and agricultural businesses contributing to a thriving economy, from traditional family farms to vineyards,” she explained.

“I pay tribute to them and their employees, who work so hard to bring high-quality produce to the market in the UK and around the world.

“I also pay tribute to all our farm shops, such as Westlands Farm Shop in Wickham, for selling British food and, as mentioned before, getting local food into local shops, so that local people can buy it. That is very important.”