Almost £3m to support victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence

The money has been secured by Sussex's crime commissioner

Author: Jason BeckPublished 7th Jun 2021
Last updated 7th Jun 2021

Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner, Katy Bourne, has secured an investment of £2.8 million from the Ministry of Justice to support victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence.

This additional funding over the next two years will be used by 17 organisations to increase local specialist victim support services with a particular focus on communities that are currently under-represented.

Members of the BAME and LGBTQ+ communities, along with older residents, those with multiple and complex needs and men and children will be provided with even more access to specialist support if they have experienced sexual violence or domestic abuse.

The range of support available includes: pro bono legal advice service for domestic abuse victims; one to one parent support; a sex workers outreach project; counselling and; multiple Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVAs) and Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs) who will offer confidential, victim-focused advice and support.

PCC Bourne said: “This extra funding is welcome news for all. The diversity of our communities is what makes Sussex such a fantastic place to live and work and I have been committed to ensuring that the needs of all are represented in the support services we fund.

“We know that victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence often experience legacy trauma that affects all aspects of their lives and even their wider families.

“This funding will allow us to expand on the amazing support services already available in Sussex, helping to ensure that help is available to those who need it.”

Local charity, Switchboard, in Brighton and Hove and East Sussex has received £134,340 for two IDVAs to support members of the LGBTQ+ communities who have suffered domestic violence.

Jacob Bayliss, CEO, is delighted at the prospect of being able to support even more people with this funding: “Switchboard have been supporting LGBTQ people since 1975, and we are extremely proud to be offering a domestic abuse service that is designed and delivered by and for our diverse communities. More than a quarter of gay, lesbian and bisexual people report domestic abuse and this is estimated to be even higher for trans and non-binary people, who are one of the most hidden groups of domestic abuse survivors. This funding ensures that we can be there for LGBTQ people who need us, and that LGBTQ people’s needs are met across all local domestic abuse services.”

Hersana is a local community interest company that has been awarded £230,904 from the funding pot for two IDVA’s to support those within the BAME community, with a focus on harmful practices that affect Black and Asian women.

CEO, Christabel Yeboah welcomes this funding boost, saying: “We know how Black women's experiences of gender-based violence differ from the experiences of other groups. There is still a significant gap in the country's understanding of how women and girls from specific communities disclose gender-based violence. This funding will enable us to create culturally specific, intersectional and trauma-informed safe spaces for Black women and girls in Sussex. We believe that safe spaces like our own can provide a sanctuary, a sacred space where we, Black women, can be ourselves, as we are. We can be confident in reporting our experiences, accessing holistic support services and being believed, empowered and supported on our journey to recovery.”