Why not have a real life living advent calendar? 'I would love to see all the people just taking part and happy' says organiser

A Somerset 15 year old girl is trying to find homes to join a real-life 'living advent calendar'.

Reporter Andrew Kay speaking to 15 year old Saffron Butler who is behind the idea
Author: Andrew KayPublished 27th Nov 2020

A Somerset 15 year old girl is trying to find homes to join a real-life 'living advent calendar'.

Saffron Butler wants homes in Glastonbury to agree to turn their lights on for specific days - so families could walk around and see the lights from outside.

She said: "Basically we would like Glastonbury to turn itself into its own advent calendar.

"Each night a different window froma different house would light up - like the doors of an advent calendar opening.

"Hopefully people will go out with their household and it will hopefully raise their spirits by walking around seeing all the differnt lights.

"It would be really good. I would love to see all the people just taking part and seeing them happy doing that would really help me feel good about it.

"My friends love the idea. Quite a few of them live in Glastonbury and think it would be amazing to take part in and really help the community.

To take part email glastonburycommunity@gmail.com