County hall is being lit up to mark the anniversary of the first lockdown

A minute’s silence will be marked by Somerset County Council later as part of a National Day of Reflection - remembering those who lost their lives during the pandemic and all those affected - and County Hall will be lit up in blue and green in the evening to honour the emergency services.

A sign highlighting the latest lockdown order
Author: Andrew KayPublished 23rd Mar 2021
Last updated 23rd Mar 2021

One year ago at 8pm on 23rd March, people across the UK gathered around their TV screens to watch Boris Johnson instruct 66 million people to “stay at home”.

Little did we know just how long that first “stay at home” instruction would be in place or how often it would be reinstated over the course of the next 12 months.

By 23 March 2021, England has seen three national lockdowns, localised tiers systems, seven large scale temporary Nightingale hospitals and the beginnings of the vaccine rollout.

The Chair of Somerset County Council, Cllr Nigel Taylor, is inviting staff to hold a minute’s silence at noon to remember and reflect on the last year which has touched us all, encouraging everyone to find a moment to reflect on the last year in their own way.

Councillor Taylor said: "Covid-19 has affected everyone’s lives over the last year, and sadly many of us have lost friends, neighbours and family before their time. On the anniversary of the first lockdown, it is a time for us to pause, reflect and remember. A time for us to support our friends, families and local communities and a time to help local grieving families. Let us all reflect on the events of the last year and send hope of better times."

The flag at County Hall will also fly at half-mast as a sign of respect for all those taken before their time by Covid-19 and for the bereaved they have left behind. County Hall will be lit up in blue and green in the evening to honour the emergency services.

For the key moments over the past year click here