Youth Theatre sessions restart at Salisbury Arts Centre

They held the first once since lockdown, yesterday (Tuesday 22nd September).

The incident happened near to Salisbury Arts Centre
Author: Jack DeeryPublished 25th Sep 2020

Wiltshire Creative has restarted it's Youth Theatre sessions in Salisbury as they try to bring the creative arts back to young people.

Groups are available for all school year pupils from Year 2 to Year 12 and they held their first one at the Arts Centre yesterday, for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic hit.

Due to popular demand, another session has been added on Thursdays at the Arts Centre and weekly workshops are being offered at Bemerton Heath for pupils in school years 3 to 6.

Meanwhile, pottery classes, Story Time Movers for pre-school children and Mind the Gap for the over 65s are all also restarting this week.

Wiltshire Creative Associate Director Dave Orme said:

"We're really excited about starting up in-person Youth Theatre sessions once more. Naturally things will be very different and we're focussing on keeping everyone safe, but it's important that young people are given the chance to express themselves in creative ways and ensure that their voice is heard during these ground-shifting times."

The Youth Theatre performing Wizard of Oz in 2019


Preparation behind the scenes is also well underway as a six-week season at Salisbury Playhouse returns next month.

Lots of work is currently taking place to make sure that audiences can return safely, with lots of Covid secure measures going to be in place.

These include:

  • Reduced capacity - from 512 down to 148
  • Paperless ticketing
  • One-way system
  • Mandatory face coverings
  • No intervals

People will also be required to see in their household bubbles.

The first publically ticketed event takes place on the 14th of October, but there will be a performance by Wiltshire Creative's Performing and Production Arts students on the 6th, but it will be an invited audience.

Gareth Machin, Artistic Director of Wiltshire Creative, said:

"We've all been missing the thrill of live performance and we're excited that this dynamic programme of dance, music, theatre, comedy and film will enable us to begin welcoming audiences back to Salisbury Playhouse again."

Shows at the Playhouse in 2020 include music, comedy, dance and screenings.

You can find all the details by going to the Wiltshire Creative website.