Wiltshire residents urged to download Covid-19 app

It'll send you a notification if anyone you've been close to tests positive, and allows you to 'check in' at venues like cafes and pubs.

Author: Henrietta CreaseyPublished 24th Sep 2020

The new NHS app aims to enhance and support the test and trace service and help protect their loved ones.

It is available on both Apple and Android smartphones and is easy to download - people just have to simply search for 'NHS Covid-19' on your app store.

The app will support and enhance the NHS test and trace service and help health professionals to understand quickly if the virus is spreading in any particular area.

Businesses such as pubs, restaurants and cafes are legally required to display a QR poster for the public to scan and log their attendance as they enter the premises. For those who don't have the app, they can still log-in their attendance at the venue using the business' own alternative system.

The app also allows people to report symptoms and order a COVID-19 test.

Wiltshire Council will also have QR posters up at their public buildings, such as hubs, libraries and leisure centres.

Cllr Philip Whitehead, Leader of Wiltshire Council, said:

"We are seeing COVID-19 spikes across the country so I urge people to download the app and help support the test and trace service so together we can keep the virus under control here in Wiltshire and protect people as much as possible."

"Finally, as ever, we ask that people continue to play their part by washing hands regularly, socially distancing, wearing face coverings where appropriate, and following the latest guidance. We really do appreciate everyone's support".