Police officers wearing riot kit take part in Salisbury's parkrun

They're team members from Wiltshire Police supporting Movember

Acting Sergeant Ben Foster, Insp Pete Sparrow & Sergeant Al Cromwell with Salisbury parkrun Director Jef Hutchby
Author: Mike DraperPublished 27th Nov 2021
Last updated 27th Nov 2021

Wiltshire police officers have joined parkrunners in the city today for the 5k event wearing full riot gear.

Acting Sergeant Ben Foster (left) and Sergeant Al Cromwell (right) both completed four laps of Churchill Gardens wearing the heavy kit to support the men's health charity Movember.

The charity aims to raise money and awareness around testicular and prostate cancer along with mental illness.

AS Ben Foster says it was important to do his bit

“I wanted to support this amazing charity; however I knew that I would never be able to grow a moustache as glorious as many of my other colleagues; I had to find another way to raise some money. So, I came up with the crazy idea of running Salisbury parkrun in full public order (riot) kit.

“The kit is uncomfortable and heavy, but so is the thought of so many men dying from causes which are so preventable in this day and age."

Acting Sergeant Ben Foster, Insp Pete Sparrow, and Sergeant Al Cromwell

The two officers were joined by Inspector Pete Sparrow (centre) who wore regular uniform.

Inspector Sparrow heads up a team of police and staff from the Wiltshire force who are taking on a range of challenges for Movember along with growing that famous moustache!

RIOT ACT: Acting Sergeant Ben Foster crosses the finish line at Salisbury parkrun after four laps wearing riot gear

Inspector Sparrow's personal target is to run and row 60 miles "to represent the 60 men who commit suicide every hour, every day, globally."

"The Wilts-Hair Mostabulary started as fun, but like the hairy top lip, it just keeps growing!

Over half Emergency Service workers seek help due to stress & poor mental health. In addition we have team members who have faced cancer. Movember is so important on many levels - raising money to battle these illnesses but also getting people to talk about the serious messages behind it."

MOVEMBER FUNDRAISER: Puffed out Inspector Pete Sparrow completes a cold and blowy Salisbury parkrun

It's the seventh year Wiltshire Police have taken part raising more than £22,000.

Las year the team won the Movember title at the Mo Awards in London for their efforts.