Wiltshire Police and Council getting extra 'Covid enforcement' funding

The Government money's to go towards things like police patrols and checks on businesses.

Author: Faye TryhornPublished 8th Oct 2020
Last updated 8th Oct 2020

The figures released today (Thursday 8th October) show that Wiltshire Police is due to get ÂŁ247,140 with Wiltshire Council being awarded ÂŁ201,770.

Nationally, there's a ÂŁ60 million pot of funding that's being split between police forces and local authorities.


The Government says the funding is to increase patrols in town and city centres, to make sure people are complying to the Covid-19 restrictions.

It's also to make sure people are self-isolating when they're been told to, as well as checks on workplaces to ensure correct procedures are being followed.

Police are able to fine people that aren't sticking to the rules, while Councils have the power to close down premises for non-compliance.

Home Secretary Priti Patel said:

"The vast majority of the British public has come together, followed the law and helped prevent the spread of this virus.

"But we've been clear that, with infections rising, we will not allow a small minority of people to reverse our hard-won progress.

"This extra funding will strengthen the police's role in enforcing the law and make sure that those who jeopardise public health face the consequences."


The county's police force is getting ÂŁ778,166 as part of this funding, while the council money is divided up between districts.

New Forest DC gets ÂŁ71,278 with Test Valley BC receiving ÂŁ48,358.

Local Government Secretary Robert Jenrick said:

"Since the start of the pandemic people and businesses across the country have pulled together and followed the latest guidelines - this will be more important than ever as we head into the winter.

"That's why we are giving councils a further ÂŁ30 million in new funding to support their work on compliance and enforcement in their communities.

"Councils play a crucial role in protecting people's safety, supporting businesses and helping the public to better understand the guidance. This new funding will ensure they can step this up further and continue to act proactively."


Wiltshire's PCC has welcomed the additional funding and wants to see it going towards Covid marshals to relieve the pressure on the county's officers

Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire and Swindon Angus Macpherson said:

“This funding acknowledges that up until now police forces have been expected to take on this extra role while coping with the current high levels of demand on the service.

“The additional funding to the local authorities will hopefully mean they will be able to fulfil their licensing functions more effectively meaning officers will not have to spend as much time policing the 10pm curfew and will allow them to focus on an enhanced policing response to associated criminality such as anti-social behaviour and large gatherings which are a flagrant breach of the rules.

“The Chief Constable and I have discussed the use of these additional funds and we welcome the possibility that this funding pool might allow our local authorities to invest in COVID marshals.

“This will relieve our officers of some of the current demand with the marshals focusing on hotspot patrols in high density areas such as our town centres and parks with support from officers were needed.

“The Chief Constable has already committed PCSO’s from our community teams to work specifically on engagement and education in relation to the Covid regulations.

“Although any funding is always welcome, the public should be aware that this money will not magically allow us to recruit more police officers.

“What it may do is allow us to pay overtime to more police officers and staff, but we would obviously need to be careful not to stretch an already overworked and under pressure workforce.”