Wiltshire Council's Dog Warden service awarded by RSPCA

The service has been recognised with Gold Stray Dogs Award

John Quinn, Sara Gee, Claire Francis, Sebastian William
Published 20th Oct 2021

Wiltshire Council's Dog Service has received national recognition from the RSPCA.

The service has been awarded a Gold Stray Dogs award in the annual RSPCA PawPrints Awards 2021.

The awards recognise local councils who have clear procedures and protocols in place that ensure the welfare of stray dogs.

In the awards there are a number of categories, with bronze, silver and gold standards in each.

Since January 2021, the service has dealt with around 352 stray or found dogs in Wiltshire.

Of those taken to kennels around half are reclaimed by their owners.

The Dog Warden service works closely with Bath Cats and Dogs Home to rehome animals which aren’t claimed by their owners.

In addition to the team award, two members of the service, Sebastian Williams and John Quinn were awarded a Special Recognition award.

They were recognised for their part in not only maintaining the service throughout the pandemic and developing the service within Public Protection.

They were one of only four winners in this group across England and Wales.

John Quinn and Sebastian Williams

Councillor Ashley O’Neill, Wiltshire Council Cabinet Member for Public Protection, said, “We are extremely proud of our Dog Warden Service and all that they have achieved by receiving these awards.

"It represents all of the hard work that goes into the service and the high standards that we strive to achieve.

“For John and Seb to receive a special recognition award for their work over the pandemic, when it has been a challenging time for the service, and to be recognised across the country for their efforts is nothing short of amazing.

“Congratulations to everyone involved in the service – this award is very well deserved.”

Wiltshire Council say that if you find a stray dog and cannot contact the owner, it is a legal requirement to report it to them by calling 0300 4560107.