"Stick to the rules" as tougher Covid measures introduced

Wiltshire Council's asking us to be aware of the tighter penalties

Published 28th Aug 2020

From today (Friday 28th August) more laws come into force that could see people hit with huge fines.

Wiltshire Council is urging people to make sure they are sticking to the guidelines this bank holiday weekend after the news measures have been introduced,

People facilitating or organising illegal raves, unlicensed music events or any other unlawful gathering of 30 or more people now could face a fine of ÂŁ10,000.

Penalties of ÂŁ100 can also be given to people attending those events and those who have already received a fine will the amount doubled each time.

The authority want to make sure people in the county are following the social distancing guidelines and not breaking the new laws.

Kate Blackburn, Wiltshire Council's Director of Public Health, said:

"The majority of people in Wiltshire have done brilliantly to stick to the guidance and keep themselves and each other safe during this time.

"Mass gatherings threaten to undermine so many people's great efforts over the past five months so these new measures send out a clear message they are not acceptable at the moment - we need everyone's support with this over the Bank Holiday weekend and beyond.

"We ask that everyone keeps following the guidance closely and not to get complacent, so that we can keep COVID-19 under control in Wiltshire."


Wiltshire Police are urging people to make sure they are being careful this weekend, as the threat of coronavirus is still about.

Deputy Chief Constable Paul Mills said:

"Firstly, I would like to thank our communities in Wiltshire and Swindon for continuing to take personal responsibility for their actions in the fight against COVID.

"As we approach the Bank Holiday weekend, I know the temptation might be there to start taking a more relaxed approach to the regulations which have been put in place by the Government.

"However, it is vital that we all continue to respect the guidance on social distancing and ensure we are all wearing face coverings where mandated to do so. This week tougher penalties have come into place for those who organise, facilitate or attend any large gathering or unlicensed music event. These types of unlawful events place the public at a high level of risk and are likely to spread the virus, if we come across these types of events we will actively look to use our powers

"Coronavirus is still a deadly threat and it should be everyone's priority to stop the spread of the virus and save lives.

"Our officers, staff and volunteers will be out in our communities across the long weekend and will continue to engage with the public to encourage compliance with the legislation.

"We hope you all have a safe and restful Bank Holiday weekend."