Temporary closure of Maltings car park in Salisbury

Disruption at city car park

Author: Henrietta CreaseyPublished 13th Oct 2021

A number of temporary closures of the Maltings car park in Salisbury are taking place this month and in November for essential electrical works.

The work is being done in four stages to limit disruption for shoppers at the 586 space facility.

The first closure today (13th October) and tomorrow (14th October) will see the whole underground car park beneath Sainsbury's closed.

On the 20-21 October, the underground section behind the City Hall will be closed.

3rd November will see the closure of the left-hand side of the underground section from the entrance up to (and including) the Shop Mobility car park, and finally on 4-5 November the rear underground section, and Shopmobility parking will be closed.

Cllr Dr Mark McClelland, Wiltshire Council Cabinet Member for Cabinet Member for Transport, Waste, Street Scene and Flooding, said:

“These closures are required to complete essential electrical works, but we hope to keep disruption to a minimum by still providing parking alternatives."

“I would like to take the opportunity to apologise for any inconvenience that it may cause, but we will ensure that appropriate signage and cones will be in place to make it clear to the public which areas are open for use.”


  • Closure 1: 13 – 14 October

Underground car park beneath Sainsbury’s supermarket closed to use

  • Closure 2: 20 – 21 October

Area behind the City Hall closed

  • Closure 3: 3 November

Section from the entrance to the underground parking up to and including the Shopmobility car park closed.

  • Closure 4: 4-5 November

Rear section of the underground car park including Shopmobility

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