6.9% tax rise proposed to fund Wiltshire Police

The Police and Crime Commissioner wants to know if residents would be prepared to fork out more to "maintain and improve frontline services"

Author: Henrietta CreaseyPublished 5th Jan 2021

In April Wiltshire households in an average Band D property saw a £10 increase in their council tax bill towards the policing precept, now they're facing a another hike.

The county's Police and Crime Commissioner is proposing a 6.9% increase which equates to £15 a year, per household on a band D property.

It means the bill will rise from £216 to £231 from April however this would still be lower than the regional and national average.


Mr Macpherson has warned if the policing part of the precept is not increased next year then Wiltshire Police would need to find savings of more than £3m and would have no alternative but to reduce staff undertaking essential services.

He admits any rise will be hard for residents this year.

"In normal times an increase in contributions will be felt by our communities but after this year, I realise this increase will be felt more keenly than ever before,"

"The pandemic has bought additional new challenges for all - it is evident the effect impacts all corners of our community. As well as the physical impact, I know the economic impact has affected many. "

"The decision to ask for your support for a £15 per year increase has been a difficult one - and one that I would not make if there was an alternative. But there isn't. Simply put, your agreement to this increase will mean Wiltshire Police will be able to continue to maintain and improve our essential, frontline, services."


The extra £15 a year funding, or £1.25 a month, means that Wiltshire Police will recruit 46 additional officers for Wiltshire in 2021/22.

The Force is also on track to recruit this year's target of an additional 65 police officers by March this year, bringing officer numbers to 1,050- which is the highest in six year.

Mr Macpherson added:

"We need to keep up the investment in order to continue with progress. We are the lowest-funded Force in the South West and I believe Wiltshire Police is delivering significant value for money."

"Our police service does a tremendous job, against ever-changing demand, in keeping crime low and providing the service you demand from your police service."


You can hear more on the reasons behind the proposed rise here.

The consultation is open Tuesday 2nd February.