South West's new Army Commander sheds light on life 'behind the wire'

Colonel Neville Holmes is hosting a virtual update later.

Colonel Holmes says he's 'heartened and humbled' by the response Salisbury Plain soldiers have had across the country
Author: Faye TryhornPublished 24th Nov 2020

The new Head of the Army for the South West says he's keen for the civilian community to learn more about the military's work.

Colonel Neville Holmes thinks that could help with community integration and give us more of insight into what's normally a secretive 'business'.

The Commander's only been in post since just before the pandemic began, so the restrictions mean he's not had many chances to meet local people.

He's hosting an online meeting this evening (Tuesday 24th November) for anyone to join.

Colonel Holmes says he wants to make sure people across Wiltshire are kept up to date:

"I think it's really important - both for interest, but also, of course, people are taxpayers and they want to know where their money is spent - so it's our opportunity to explain what it is we're doing, why we're doing and I guess, to understand the rationale behind the servicemen and women we have, understanding our values and standards."

Colonel Holmes speaking to GHR Salisbury on a video call from his Tidworth base

With the Army rebasing programme bringing more troops and their families to Wiltshire, the South West region is an important one for the Army.

A quarter of all soldiers are now based on Salisbury Plain.

The new Commander says it's important to keep in touch with the local civilian population:

"We are part of the community so it's only right and proper that you understand what goes on behind the wire. We would ordinarily have come out to do this kind of event in one of the cities or towns around the area, but we've got to keep connected and we've all been learning new and novel ways to do it with Covid, so this is just one of those."

The virtual meeting takes place from 7.00pm tonight (Tuesday 24th November).

Around 200 people have already signed up to take part, but it's hoped more will get involved.

You can register for a link to the update on the Army website.

Colonel Holmes has told Greatest Hits Radio he'd love to get out into the community as soon as Covid restrictions allow, as he says being based in Tidworth has been good so far:

"It's a great privilege to represent the Army here, and I'm really enjoying. Everyone's been so welcoming, we've been working through things like Covid and other challenges and everyone's been supportive, so it's been great."