Salisbury pubs to feature on hotel boosting tv show

The Royal George and The Anchor and Hope appear on tonight's episode of The Hotel Inspector

Author: Aaron HarperPublished 25th Apr 2024

The owner of two Salisbury pubs has told us why they're both featuring on a Channel 5 TV show this evening.

The Royal George and the Anchor & Hope, both owned by Reece Brown, appear on The Hotel Inspector tonight.

The programme, hosted by Alex Polizzi advices hotel owners on how to take their business from floundering to flourishing.

Mr Brown explained to Greatest Hits Radio that the show helped refine his ideas for the Anchor and Hope pub.

"It was very blurred, but I had an idea of where I wanted to go" he said, adding that it was tough to fund the plans he had, having taken over the pub during the second lockdown of the Covid-19 pandemic and not able to get support from the Government.

"They helped me get that all together in the anchor really well and bring in all my ideas to polish it off.

"And then in the Royal George, they helped with buffets and a tier list, and also decorated the function room with me to bring that together because that was like a little lost room at one point!" Reece added.

Off the back of the show's filming, Reece has introduced an app to keep customers up to date with events.

"We've come so far from when we started off with hotel inspectors," he said, adding that the pubs have continued to grow since the show was filmed.

Pubs now an expression of personality

Reece said that he was nervous being on camera to begin with, but the crew filming the show helped make it a pleasant experience.

"It was really nice and easy, it wasn't stressful at all," he said.

He told GHR that the process went 'really well' and now both pubs look 'incredible'.

"All the work they've done obviously makes the pub look incredible and the amount of people that come in and say that the pub looks amazing and like it we've done such a good job at it."

Reece's partner, Mike, said the show had allowed Reece's personality to be expressed through the pubs.

"He had such a great business sense with the Royal George," Mike said, adding: "He could then bring all of his extremities of what goes on in his head to the anchor and hope and just bring out his personality within this pub."

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Greatest Hits Radio (Salisbury)