Pembroke school fundraiser for outdoor classroom destroyed by storm Arwen

High winds ruined the Salisbury primary school building

The outdoor classroom was flipped over in the storm
Author: Sophie CridlandPublished 29th Nov 2021
Last updated 29th Nov 2021

Children returned to Pembroke Park Primary School today to find that their wooden open sided barn had been flipped onto its roof and damaged beyond repair.

The classroom is used by children in all year groups for Forest School learning, as an outdoor reading barn and for play at breaks and lunchtime.

Now, the school have set up a GoFundMe page to raise money to repair the classroom.

Site manager Les Jacobs found the devastated structure when he walked around the school on Saturday.

“I wanted to check on the building over the weekend just in case there had been any damage after Friday night’s high winds, but I was shocked to see the outdoor classroom on its head on the other side of the field. It’s a pretty solid structure and to see it buckled and completely broken is such a shame for the children.”

Headteacher Sara Wilkinson was also surprised and saddened to see the classroom.

“The children have enjoyed using that space for so many aspects of their learning - and what’s slightly ironic is that it’s provided a shelter from the wind for them. It’s the only covered area we’ve had outside the school.”

The Pembroke Park Primary School Choir is already booked to sing Christmas songs and carols in the market place in Salisbury each Tuesday afternoon at 1.30pm until the end of term.

Where they will be carrying collecting buckets for donations – you can donate online here.

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