Salisbury's new MRI scanners to be ready by Spring next year

Work's begun to build a 'scanning suite' at the District Hospital.

The start of construction for the new MRI suite
Author: Faye TryhornPublished 23rd Oct 2020

Construction's got underway for a new space for a second MRI Scanner at SDH, in the area that was the Old Library on site.

It's being funded by the Stars Appeal, following the hugely successful Appeal, which raised £1.5 million for the building work and the machine itself.

The charity reached its fundraising target in March 2019

Once the suite has been built, the first of two new MRI scanners will be installed.

It's due to be operational by early 2021.

After that work's completed, the existing MRI suite will get a new state-of-the-art machine, to replace one that's coming to the end of its working life.

That's expected to be up and running by Spring next year.

The new MRI Scanner suite is expected to be completed early next year


Bringing in a second scanner for Salisbury District Hospital would mean patients won't have to travel to other hospitals for scans, or use a mobile unit.

That would also reduce waiting times, while the use of the best technology could improve diagnoses, for departments right across the site, including cardiac and prostate patients.

Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust Chief Executive, Stacey Hunter said:

"This upgraded technology will help to improve patient diagnosis and care and I'd like to thank the Stars Appeal for funding the suite and the second scanner. I would also like to thank our Library, Estates and Portering teams for their hard work in relocating our healthcare library and preparing the space for the builders."

Consultants from across Salisbury District Hospital got behind the campaign to get a second MRI Scanner

Consultant Surgeon and Chairman of the Stars Appeal MRI Scanner Campaign Mr Graham Branagan, pictured above centre, said:

"We are delighted to see the new suite and second MRI scanner coming to fruition. I would like to thank everyone that so generously supported our Stars Appeal MRI Scanner Campaign and helped us to reach the £1.5million target to make this fantastic development that will benefit so many local people, possible."