Future 'plan' uncertain for City Hall

Salisbury entertainment venue is still an NHS Vaccination centre

Author: Mike DraperPublished 11th Mar 2022
Last updated 11th Mar 2022

Wiltshire Council has given an update on plans for Salisbury City Hall when the venue is no longer needed by the NHS.

It's been used by the NHS as part of the national COVID-19 vaccination programme since 2020.

Salisbury City Hall closed it's doors as an entertainment and live music venue in March 2020 due to the pandemic. Then in December 2020 it has served as a Covid-19 mass vaccination centre.

At the Salisbury Area Board meeting last night (Thurs 10 March), Wiltshire Council confirmed it is 'engaged in positive dialogue with the NHS' to extend the vaccination centre arrangement until to March 2023.

CITY HALL: Venue has bene a Covid-19 vaccination centre since Dec 2020

The council says it's also actively 'looking at the options available' to get the building back up and running as entertainment and cultural venue after the NHS no longer require it.

Since it first opened in 1937 its stage has hosted everything from The Beatles, David Bowie, Brian May, and The Chuckle Brothers.

CITY HALL BEFORE COVID: Venue may end up under new management


Wiltshire Council has confirmed it'll do some 'soft market testing' which will look for interest among third-party organisations who would manage and operate Salisbury City Hall on their behalf as a multi-purpose entertainment and cultural venue.

The results of the research could help shape any 'plan' to ensure the venue has a long and successful sustainable future. The soft market testing is just one of several options being explored.


Cllr Richard Clewer, Leader of Wiltshire Council and Cabinet Member for Heritage, Tourism and the Arts, said:

"We know that City Hall means a lot to people, it does to us too, and that's why we are being as diligent as possible in planning its future, as we really want to get this right."

"We look forward to engaging with the market, which will help inform us and ensure that City Hall has the best possible future as a cultural and entertainment venue when the NHS no longer have a need for it."


"We are carefully looking at all the options available to us and ensure we have a long-term strategy in place so that when it reopens it is given the best opportunity to thrive and be a success over the coming years, while also fitting in with the existing and future cultural attractions the city has to offer."

"No final decisions have been made on how it will operate in the future or the timescales involved, but we'll keep people updated as this process continues."