Salisbury business getting their '5 A Day' for Stars Appeal

A team from Charles Hope is aiming to cover 5K each day through Lockdown 2.

Author: Faye TryhornPublished 15th Nov 2020

Four people from the senior management team at the serviced apartment business has pledged to walk, jog or run the distance every day, while the latest lockdown restrictions are in place.

They're supporting the Stars Appeal, as it's a cause close to the hearts of the company's founders, Elin and Richard Maurin.

The couple welcomed twin boys Noah and Hugo at Salisbury District Hospital in 2018, but they were born at 34 weeks, so needed some support from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit there.

Noah (left) and Hugo spent time at Salisbury District Hospital's NICU, which was funded by the Stars Appeal

The family are now looking to give back, with the conpany aiming to raise a total of ÂŁ50,000 for the cause this year.

CEO of Charles Hope, Richard Maurin said:

"We decided to support a charity that was not only close to home but also helped us personally. In 2018, we were the proud parents of twin boys who arrived early and spent ten days inside the NICU ward. Our experience was heightened by the support offered by the Stars Appeal.

"The support was accommodation attached to the ward which without would have made an already stressful situation much worse. We will be eternally grateful to the NICU and stars appeal team and will continue to do whatever we can to support the charity in the years ahead."

By their own admission, those taking part in the 5K challenge say the first lockdown resulted in 'too much food and drink and not enough exercise', so they're doing things differently this time, while also trying to boost their mental wellbeing.

The team at Charles Hope has already taken part in the virtual Walk for Wards in 2020, and they're also giving ÂŁ1 to the charity for every night's stay booked in one of their services apartments.

The company has nine locations across the UK and Europe.

Dr Jim Baird, Consultant Paediatrician at Salisbury District Hospital and Stars Appeal Ambassador said:

"We are so grateful to the Charles Hope Team for taking on this huge challenge to raise funds for our hospital charity. Fundraising like theirs is vital to ensure important Stars Appeal projects, like the parents' accommodation on our Neonatal Unit, can continue helping hundreds of patients and the staff who care for them, every day. Thank you so much Team Charles Hope, and good luck with your 5 a day!"

Team members Adam Dale (top left), Mark Houston (top right) and the twin's dad and Charles Hope founder, Richard Maurin (bottom left) during their runs

The Charles Hope Covid Challenge has so far raised almost ÂŁ900 for the Stars Appeal.

You can find out more and support them on their JustGiving page.