Salisbury BID calls for People Friendly Scheme to be suspended

The body which represents local businesses has written to Wiltshire Council.

The scheme was in place for just over a month
Author: Henrietta CreaseyPublished 17th Nov 2020
Last updated 18th Nov 2020

The controversial scheme which sees most traffic banned from the city centre came into force on October 21st.

A number of businesses expressed concerns on the impact on trade particularly with the vital Christmas period prompting Salisbury BID to launch a survey "to make an informed decision" about its position on the project.

75 businesses provided feedback with almost three quarters (71%) calling for the scheme to be lifted until next year.

The BID has now written to Wiltshire Council asking for the scheme to be temporarily suspended..

"As the voice for city centre businesses, Salisbury BID is listening to and representing our members and therefore the BID Board has written to Wiltshire Council asking them to temporarily suspend the People Friendly Scheme, and suggesting a reintroduction of the scheme next year. "

"This suspension will allow Wiltshire Council to review and address some of the challenges and concerns raised to date regarding the scheme."

Whilst Salisbury BID supports the longer term ambitions of the scheme, there are many pressing challenges facing businesses at this time and we need to do all we can to enable a positive trading environment in the run up to Christmas."

The scheme saw some of the streets in the city centre closed off to unauthorised vehicles

Last week Salisbury's MP also called for the scheme to be suspended.

John Glen says with the pandemic and second lockdown resulting in '"significantly lower" traffic levels it would be "impossible to accurately measure the impact of the scheme on traffic on the A36 or footfall levels in the city centre when our normal baseline has disappeared."

Mr Glen suggest the summer would be a more appropriate time and has also asked for a more wider consultation on the scheme.


The People Friendly Scheme is being led by Wiltshire Council.

In a statement, Cllr Bridget Wayman, Cabinet Member for Highways, said:

“We are taking into account all the feedback we have received for People Friendly Salisbury, and working with partners, we are considering the way forward for the scheme.”