PICTURES: Wiltshire Council staff get royal visit

A special trip was made to County Hall in Trowbridge today (Monday 12th October).

Author: Jack DeeryPublished 12th Oct 2020
Last updated 12th Oct 2020

Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall made a special visit to see some of the staff that work for Wiltshire Council.

Camilla was there to thank them for all their hard work during the Covid-19 pandemic.

For the authority, the focus was to protect the vulnerable, support the economy and mobilise staff for where they were most needed during very challenging times.

The Duchess of Cornwall meeting Rebecca Corbin, Development Officer, HR & OD, who was redeployed to the council’s Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub during the COVID-19 response

Just under 400 Wiltshire Council staff members were redeployed during lockdown, including to the Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub that made contact with over 24,000 of the county's most vulnerable people.

The Duchess was accompanied by the Lord Lieutenant of Wiltshire, Mrs Sarah Troughton, and was introduced to the authority's leader, Philip Whitehead, Chairman, Richard Gamble.

She then met staff who have helped the council in their response to Covid-19.

Her Royal Highness signing the guest book at County Hall

Terence Herbert, Chief Executive, said:

"It was a huge honour to welcome The Duchess of Cornwall to Wiltshire Council. I am incredibly proud of the work undertaken by our staff during the pandemic and this visit provided us with an opportunity to publicly acknowledge the many services who have contributed to the council's response.

Many staff were working seven days a week during the pandemic and many services are still operating a seven-day rota now as we continue to see cases increase again across the country. I am extremely grateful to my staff for all the hard work and commitment they have shown and continue to show during the current crisis. It was wonderful to see this recognised in such a way today."

HRH and Rhys Schell, Specialist Manager, Community Engagement and Governance who, alongside his team, supported over 400 community and voluntary groups during the COVID-19 pandemic

The visit was made under strict Covid-19 regulations.